If you’re a Mobile app developer, then you certainly know that your task does not end as soon as you complete developing an app. What is the next step? Well! You need to publish it.
You can target any app store, be it google play store, apple store or even windows store. In fact, you can always publish your mobile app in all three stores.
What’s important is that you’re publishing it properly. Here in this article, we’ll give you 10 tips for publishing your mobile app in any of these app stores. Keep reading.
Follow the Policies of Google
The first and foremost rule is that you have to follow the general policies of publishing your app within google play store. If for any reason, you interrupt these policies, your app may get suspended.
That’s definitely not going to be good for your reputation. Your developer license can also be terminated in the worst case scenario. So, beware about this fact.
In case of google play store, you need to be concerned about the size of the app you have developed. This restriction is not there for other stores.
Under google play store, the maximum size of your app can be 100 mb. For safety purposes, you should develop an app which is below this size limit. This is another necessary factor you need to be considerate about.
Finally, we suggest you to go for android pay, for publishing your app within google play store. You always need an in-app billing platform if you’re planning to sell your digital contents via your app.
By using android pay, you can avail many benefits. It helps you in selling all your subscriptions easily. The purchases become a lot more secured and you don’t need to worry about forgery. Because that’s google’s responsibility.
However, if you’re selecting android pay, then it’s obvious that you’ll have to make necessary changes within your binary codes itself. Also, don’t forget to test all the features and functions, before you publish the app.
Follow the guidelines of the apple app store – again, this is the most essential factor related to any app store. There are some strict and specific guidelines for publishing your mobile app within the apple store. Make sure you obey them.
In that case, the entire process of publishing your app will become completely hassle-free. Your app will also take less time to be approved by the store. You can always read the guidelines of the apple store thoroughly to avoid any issues.
Don’t forget to test your app again and again before publishing it. Testing can identify many hidden errors.
If your ultimate wish is to publish your app on the apple store, then it’s important that you gain proper ideas about iTunes connect. This tool can help you in providing all details related to your app.
You can store all necessary data sets regarding your app on iTunes connect, without being worried about their security. You can store different versions of your app on iTunes as well.
Please make sure that there are no technical malfunctions within your app as that can delay the approval of your app. As long as you’re using iTunes connect, you can be trouble-free regarding the security of your app’s information.
The iOS file system is the central part of the apple store and you cannot mishandle this file system at any cause. All the app data of a user’s phone is stored on iCloud as Apple does not approve storing data on the device.
However, if the users want, they can store the datasets as a local cache of their devices. But there is risk in this case. Such stored data can be easily overwritten.
Hence, as a developer, you have to be extra careful about these factors. If your app is causing issues to the user’s devices, it will be eventually expelled by the apple store.
Image Source: Pixabay
If you’re planning to publish your app on the windows store as well, then we have tips for you. The most important thing you need to do is to provide all the details.
There are different types of information that you need to provide like the price of your app, details on availability etc. In the case of a Windows store, you may also have to offer a free trial to make sure that your app is free of any errors.
This trial version is for users to gain reliance on your app. It is also needed that you state the market and users you are targeting. Windows store will have an idea about the users who are most likely to download your app.
In the case of the windows app store, you must also provide details on the app properties. For example, which category does your app belong to? Is it a game app, a book app, an entertainment app? You need to give this information.
While publishing your app on the windows store, you may also have to give a testing certificate. This indicates that you have tested your app and you are assuring that it is error-free.
The tips we’ve provided till now are only technical tips. They are suitable for different app stores. However, there are some general tips as well.
You need to follow these general tips for publishing all apps, irrespective of the app store. Let’s discuss general tips now.
You need to maintain simplicity. Simplicity always wins in case of mobile app development. In fact, if you’re a first-timer, then you better represent the simplest version of your app in the first go.
That makes your app attractive for the different app stores. The users are also interested in downloading simple apps in their first attempts. So, during the submission, don’t go for unnecessary embellishments. Instead, make sure your app is basic.
If your app is approved once, you can always launch new versions of the app. So, save the frills for the later versions. The initial app development is what takes most of your time. So, use that time wisely.
Saying that we’re not telling you to make it very simple. In that case, it may end up being unapproved. You must not offer the “test” version in your first attempt as it can be rejected in that case.
It is the basic condition for developing and publishing any mobile app that you have to be creative. There are millions of mobile apps on app stores already. So why would they approve your app? What’s the speciality of your app?
Well! The creativity and innovation factor can make all the difference. You don’t need to be highly complex, but try to be as creative as possible. For developing an innovative app you must select your suitable niche.
The niche you’re selecting should have several opportunities for you. If it’s saturated, then the probability of your app to get selected declines. If you can’t help but select a saturated niche, then at least present your app in an exceptional way.
Make as much effort as possible to make your mobile app engaging for the users. It doesn’t matter if your app is a common one. You need to represent it in a unique manner to gain the appreciation of the app stores.
Our final advice to you is that, as an app developer, you must be persistent. Any app store is dealing with millions of apps and each day they receive thousands of new app applications.
So, it won’t help if you show any aggression. Your app’s approval can take time and you need to hold on. Write a good cover letter and don’t forget to showcase your humbleness in it. This approach can do wonders for you.
It is also possible that despite developing a good app, you get rejected. In that case, what will you do? You can never give up. Start from the basics again.
Try to find out what went wrong. Instead of getting disappointed, come back with double enthusiasm. Ask for support from other developers. Make a better and engaging app.
Now it’s time that we wrap up our discussion. We know that publishing your mobile app on any store is a real struggle. It is written in this article to offer you some support.
We hope our tips were helpful to you, We have provided tips for all three app stores separately. Some general tips that can be suitable for any app store you opt for are also suggested
Do you still have some queries? We are more than happy to answer them. Let us know your views, queries in the comments section. We will reply to all of you at the earliest.
Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, ChatBot & Blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz Technologies, a Mobile App Development Company. His 8+ years of experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on IoT and ChatBot.
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(Note: This post is a guest contribution by Harikrishna Kundaria)
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