Guest posting increases your blog traffic, profits, and brand awareness. Posting to blogs other than your own yields incredible benefits over the long haul. But most bloggers suffer a minefield of guest posting fears to face, feel, and release before diving into this game. I have guest posts on respected blogs in my niche for quite a long time.
I wrote and placed thousands of guest posts during my online career. You know I felt many deep fears related to guest posting on blogs. Why? I am a human being. Being human means bloggers need to face, feel and release fears in order to do new things. Becoming skilled while doing those new things also involves facing more fears.
I felt burdened by the fear of criticism. What would people think and say about my guest posts? No one knew me from those blogging communities. Plus I absolutely knew guest posting would waste my time. No questions about that one. I clung to so many deep, pulsating fears that it was a wonder I ever sat down and actually wrote and submitted a guest post. Alas, I did, and I never looked back.
Knifing through this fear does wonders for your blog and brand. Guest posting gives you a powerful platform for speaking to many people hungry for your work and even hungrier to read your blog.
Business grows too, as does blog traffic. But accessing these sweet benefits demands you to get down and dirty with your fears.
Worry not; you are definitely up to it.
Follow these tips, face these fears, and become a guest posting machine.
1: People Will Ignore My Post
No, I won’t. I pay attention to guest posters who post value.
Publish valuable posts. People take notice. You succeed. Folks notice guest posters who solve their problems through guest posts. Get through your fear of being ignored by paying attention to other bloggers. Comment on their blogs. Promote them. Endorse them. Be generous. Mention bloggers on your blog. People notice bloggers who notice them. Genuinely listen to the reader’s problems. Solve the problems through guest posting. Inspire readers to notice you because you listened to and solved their problems.
2: Who Am I to Guest Post?
We want to hear your expertise but get over the fear of being frauds so we can hear from you, OK? Bloggers believe themselves to be audacious, bold, or a fraud trying to pull one over on people, just for considering guest posting.
I felt like a stupid blogger many years ago. 10 years back when I was a new blogger, I believed I was a fraud or fake. How could I teach blogging if I knew little about blogging?
I faced the fear of being fraudulent head-on and began guest posting, even in my old-school blogging days. Guest post opportunities flowed to me because I believed in myself.
Believe in you. People believe in bloggers who believe in themselves. Guest post from authority because I want to hear what you have to offer.
Build a posture. Practice writing to gain confidence and clarity in your blogging skills. Becoming clear, confident and skilled dissolves doubts, clears fraud fears, and gives you the oomph to begin guest posting regularly on respected blogs in your niche.
3: Critics Will Skewer Me
Critics may toss nasty barbs your way. Facing, feeling, and releasing criticism serves as part of your online tuition. No one succeeds online until critics test their belief in self.
But most readers who find your guest posts never comment or comment positively in response to your work. Most people who read your guest posts become fans, not haters.
Do not fear critics. I did for many years but fearing ’em made me avoid guest posting. Bloggers graciously asked me to guest post but I feared their readers did not like me and would say bad things about me and my blog. Of course, this barely happened. Virtually all readers who found me through my guest posts either loved my content or did not express their displeasure, at least.
Critical people are a part of life. Relax when someone offers negative feedback. Do not cower from criticism. Learn more about critics and yourself. Guest post. Having fun helping people and making money through blogging outweighs someone’s opinion of you.
4: Waste of Time
This is the #1 fear bloggers feel about guest posting. So many bloggers miss out because they believe guest posting wastes their time.
Guest posting leverages your presence. Talk about being a smart use of your time, right? NOT guest posting is a waste of time because you lose opportunities to connect with large, loyal audiences interested in your blog, business, and brand.
Nothing worthy is a waste of time. Guest posting is a worthy activity for serving people and prospering. Refusing to engage in worthy activities is the ultimate waste of time.
Knife through these fears.
Guest posting feels scary at first but becomes easy if you nudge into fears routinely.
Tap into the sugary-sweet benefits of guest posting to be a successful blogger.
Do you need help landing guest posts on top blogs?
Buy my eBook:
How to Land Guest Posts on Authority Blogs
About the Author

Ryan Biddulph inspires with his blog, courses and eBooks at Blogging From Paradise.
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