Microblogs are designed to provide quick information on the fly. They typically convey between 50 and up to 150 words or 1 to 3 paragraphs. When people microblog, they do so on a frequent basis. A microblog is a small bit of information that reflects an idea, informs people about something or tries to start a discussion. Both blogs and microblogs serve a purpose. People will generally use the type of blogging platform that will best serve their needs. The following material will focus on the many different microblogging sites that are available on the web.
Twitter is still the number one microblogging platform that millions of people use to communicate. This platform only allows people to communicate with a 140-characters or less. That means that people can only communicate a few lines of information. While Twitter has a limited form of communication, it is effective. Twitter has many features including a microblogging component. This site is the best microblogging site that attracts a lot of users. The microblogging component is easy to use and impactful once people get the hang of how it works.
Tumblr allows people to post short messages along with pics. This site offers a useful microblogging platform. Users can quickly post information. They also have other ways to utilize their microblogging services that will compliment that various activities on this site.
Pinterest is a microblogging site that many people assume is just for pictures. While the photo element of this site is its dominant feature, its blogging aspects are just as useful. The photo element of Pinterest helps to enhance the microblogging facet. Also, users actually post a lot of short information with multiple pictures to generate useful information for web viewers.
Dipity is a unique microblogging site that allows people to design their personal and social projects in a timeline. This site allows people to post their ideas in snippets and then arrange them all together in a big presentation. The site is perfect for business and school presentations or a family genealogical display. Dipity is not a well-known microblogging site, but once people find it, they usually like what it has to offer.
Unless yo.Plurku are really involved in the world of microblogging, you might not have heard of Plurk. This microblogging site is designed for social media interaction. It really encourages site users to regularly share posts, videos, and photos. People can send 360 characters instead of the 140-limit offered by Twitter. The site’s microblogging feature is how members communicate and interact.
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This is another unique microblogging site that people use to make donations to their favorite websites. When they make the donations, the site receives the benefit, and they can make mini blog posts in the process. This site does not get a lot of attention, but it does help people to keep their favorite sites up and running.
Yammer is a microblogging site that provides private and social professionals to communicate and to express their ideas. The site caters to the need of these individuals. Yammer microblogging aspects are used for business and other fields. While this site is not very popular, it is well known within some professional and social circle.
Plerb is another fringe microblogging site that does not get a lot of press from the masses. While it is relatively unknown, it does generate a good rating on search engines, and it provides great link placement for users. Remember that the microblogging element is used to help people to gain more access to links and useful sites.
Sitepronews is a news site that provides information about the latest trends in online media. The site is not designed specifically for microblogging, but it does offer services for this type of activity. The microblogging activity is used to quickly inform net users about the various technology and social developments that take place on the web.
Spacenab builds content around people and not the other way around. The site has a microblogging aspect that is practical to use, and it also utilizes YouTube to get information out to users. The content for rating and finding video information becomes more engaging with Spacenab microblogging services.
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Alterion allows users to combine all of their social media sites and information into one hub. Once they create this social media portal, they can then communicate their information through a microblogging scheme. This is not the best way to microblog information, but it does work.
Zeefeed is a microblogging site that uses topics and links to communicate to the masses. The site promotes an uncensored environment within a community of people who tackle various subjects. People can vote and comment on the type of information that they really care about.
Pownce is a social media site that has a format that is similar to Twitters. This site provides lots of conversation with short, distinct information. The site’s microblogging characteristics help Pownce to become a great web portal for communication, entertainment, and news.
Posteezy is a microblogging site that gives people the ability to make posts of 140 characters or less. However, Posteezy also allows people to share links, pictures, and videos with other users. Profile holders can also link this site to other social media accounts.
Traiborg is an international social community that allows people to connect with each other and to take part in business opportunities. Traiborg will help organizations to promote their business, and they offer affiliate programs for people as well.
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Instapaper is first and foremost a bookmarking site that has microblogging capabilities. People can save their information and read them on another device. This particular microblogging service is useful because it gives people the flexibility to read and create information at a later date and time.
Apsense is all about doing business. This is a social media site that has an angle toward business. Apsense features a microblogging component that businesses can use to exchange services and to promote their brand.
Yakaz is a classified site where people communicate through microblogging techniques. They have to use microblogging techniques for creating advertisements on the site. People can advertise a wide variety of goods and services.
Scoop just provides information for people in an easy to use format. This microblogging site can be sent out across various platforms to inform and enlighten people.
Twitxr is a site that has public timelines, photo sharing capabilities and it allows users to photoblog. The process of photo blogging is nothing more than microblogging with pictures. Twixtr has a catchy name. While this site is not a huge draw for the masses, it certainly has found a niche of followers, and it provides them practical microblogging solutions.
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Pearltrees gives people the ability to combine various forms of media onto one site. Once these different forms of media have been integrated, they can then be shared with other users. People can even drag and organize digital objects and URLs. They can also upload personal photos, file, and notes and even combine them with links. Pearltrees can also be used as a useful microblogging program.
Giikers allows users to share information through processes such as microblogging, social bookmarking, information and content building. This microblogging site will even help users to find various forms of digital media that have been personalized to their taste.
Reddit is all about the news. This site is also used to rate web content and for internet audiences to hold discussions. Reddit is extremely popular, and it uses a microblogging platform. Links, text posts, and images can be voted on by members. The results of these votes will allow some information to move up in rankings and others to be dismissed by the masses.
Lockerdome has a specialized hook that allows site users to embed their widgets through other websites. The widgets are content-based which means that users can create lots of microblogs through these media portals. Lockerdome was originally started as a sports-related site; now it is used for so much more.
Wadja is a content filtering site that uses a microblogging technique to create positive information from lots of meaningless internet chatter. The microblogs that people create will also help to produce a better source of content that has a greater impact on the web. This site is not a well-known web entity. However, for the people that do use it helps them to create meaningful conversations that have an impact.
Getpocket’s microblogging features are designed to enhance a user’s ability to gather content and other media information from off the web. People use Getpocket to store information which can then be accessed at a future date across the web. Ultimately, Getpocket and its vast resources area great platform that helps people to keep track of the vast resources and information that is available on the web.
Vk is an extremely popular Russian social media site. It is also used for social networking. The site is used in different languages for people in various parts of Eastern Europe. It even has a following of American users in the states. The microblogging aspect of this site is similar to those found on many American based social networking sites.
Ello is a quiet social networking site that does not offer advertisements to its users. Ello does not have a huge following, but it provides useful features that allow people to microblog with one another. People who use this service will probably not find it as exciting as Facebook, but it can be used to communicate with people who are linked to other social media sites on the web.
29.The Verge
Microblogging with the verge is a great way for people to discover news and media information. The site offers reviews, podcasts, and entertainment shows. People can also communicate through the site through the use of microblogging and links. The microblogs can be sent out with links to make an outstanding presentation of information.
The site FriendFeed gives users the ability to take updates from various social media hubs and use them to discover news and other types of information. The site has a microblogging component that helps users to interact with audiences and to relay messages.
Yammer is a freemium social networking service for business. Users can communicate with one another through the use of microblogs and by sharing documents, photos, and videos related to their business’s goals. This site is used by companies as a means to communicate in-house information.
Meetme.com is a social networking and media website that has a Latin American branch. This site is designed as a social media hub. Users from English and Spanish speaking worlds can come together to socialize and have fun. The microblogging element on this site helps people to quickly communicate ideas and feelings.
Tout delivers news, sports, and entertainment. It has a microblogging service where users can send 15-second videos or short snippets of information to various people. Tout is a great service for people that like to stay on top of current news events and information. The microblogging aspect of Tout helps to enhance the video productions that come from this site.
Hictu is a part of CrunchBase, and it is designed for video microbloggers who like to share information. Users can also add text to their posts to give their videos a greater reach with audiences. Hictu’s site is suited for viral videos and for videos that need to garner as many views as possible.
Identi is a leading social networking service based out of Canada. This site has a format that operates like Facebook and Google+. The site is no longer accepting new members, but people can link to it through one of the networks current members. Microblogs, streams and text images are all available on this platform.
Rememble is a site that allows users to form their life stories. The site allows users to connect photos, videos, and microblogs about their daily experiences and the special events that take place during their existence. This site is based in the U.K., and the microblogging elements help users to capture snippets of their lives and other moments quickly.
Start.me is designed a lot like Pocket. This platform helps internet users to save information that they find on the web. The program also has a microblogging component that allows users to communicate across various web portals.
Weibo English is an English language based version of Weibo which is a leading microblogging site based in China. This site is all about microblogging, and its English version is designed for Asian people who live in English speaking countries such as the U.S., Canada and the U.K. The microblogging feature is really useful for members to communicate in Chinese and other Asian languages.
Weibo is a leading microblogging site for Chinese people. It also is available for Japanese, Korean and Indian audiences as well. This site caters to Asian social media users, and it is very popular in the Eastern world. The English version of this site is available for Asian people who live in English speaking countries. The microblogging component is the primary way that people communicate and stay connected.
Ameba is a social media site based out of Japan. This site is similar to Weibo, except it is made primarily for Japanese audiences. It has an English-speaking component called Ameba Pico. Many people outside of the Asian American community might not be aware of Ameba. However, it is very popular in Japan and with Japanese/English speaking people. Japanese Americans typically find this site fascinating once they find out it exists.
41.Bag the Web
Bagtheweb.com is a simple site that allows users to gather links from various parts of the internet and place them into one category which is called a “bag.” This site has a microblogging component which helps users to communicate with other members while they “bag” up goodies from the internet. All of the “bagging” on Bag the Web is made available through the site’s microblogging functions.
Wibki allows its members to place all of their bookmarks into one spot. They can then access these bookmarks at a future date. The site also allows users to communicate through its microblogging services. These services give users the ability to quickly access and relay information about sites and other happenings that take place on the web and in the real world.
Symbaloo is another bookmark portal that provides microblogging benefits. The site is very useful for saving information and for communicating ideas and information to people. Symbaloo’s microblogging features are necessary for people who want to communicate about the different types of web pages and information that they have discovered.
Alternion is a microblogging site that is all about social aggregation. This simply means that the site acquires information from other web portals and combines them together in one spot. People can use Alternion to send messages and to interact with other profile users. The microblogging aspect helps to bring everything together.
Folkd is a combination of social media and social bookmarking site that allows people to save all of their social media contacts in one place. It provides users with the ability to microblog and to perform other types media interaction. People can even share photos and videos with their microblogging content.
Digg is a news curator that will gather selected news stories from different parts of the web and deliver them to a user. A member can also microblog about subjects that relate to news and share information about breaking stories or special events.
Pounced is a microblogging site that drives traffic and impacts what is happening on the internet. Microblogs can be created on the site that will help to impact search queries, and it will evaluate audience demographics. User reviews will also help to influence how microblog material is evaluated. People can set up their microblogging feature on the front page of their site.
Posterous was designed to allow its members to post to various social media sites and their tools. This site’s microblogging feature is a part of that process. Users can post information to sites that will allow them to create custom pages and other types of information.
Foursquare is designed to help people to figure out the best entertainment, dining and recreational places in their area. This site uses microblogging techniques for users to communicate. When a person finds out about a good place to visit they can instantly microblog other people about this location and why it is such a good place to be.
Audioboom is a website that focuses on various aspects of the music industry and for communication. The microblogging element is necessary for promoting the business to business connections that Audioboom provides. Radio stations, television networks, and even podcasts all benefit from Audioboom and the services that it offers.
Monbango is a gaming site that features a microblogging element. This part of the site allows users to contact each other for game-related information. Music videos, entertaining information and other forms of media are available from this site.
Keep in mind that some microblogging sites have faded from the web. Sites such as Boredat, Friendster, and iTunes Ping are no longer around. Still, there is more than enough of microblogging sites to keep internet users busy for many years. Many of these sites are connected to social media and networks. So, if you are into microblogging and you enjoy the fast pace life of instant communication; then the above microblogging sites are just for you.
Image Courtesy: Pixabay
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Thanks for sharing !!
Great post !!!
You are most welcome Ramit!
I am new to blogging…this article helped me a lot..thanks for sharing such valuable info.
Thanks for the visit and the comment. Glad that the article helped you.
Yeah absolutely and ofcourse your other articles regarding to start a vlog is insightful. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for the visit and the comment.
Hi Reji,
Great list here, Indeed a wonderful collection!
A majority on the list I am following, some are new and will check out shortly.
Thanks Reji for this wonderful compilations.
Keep sharing.
~ Phil
Hi Philip Sir,
Good to see your valuable insights once again. Hope this collection of microblogging websites will be useful for many bloggers and digital marketers as they are the ones who normally try and make use of its potential to attract an audience suitable for their business.
Thanks once again for your valuable visit. Hoping to see your comments again on this blog.
Best regards
Reji Stephenson
Thanks for sharing. I found some interesting sites here that I didn’t know about. Will bookmark to look deeply into it.
Diana Soare recently posted…19 YouTube Tips for Beginners You Need to Know When Starting Out
Hi Diana,
Glad that this post was useful to you. Hoping to see your insights again.
Reji Stephenson