7 Things That You Cannot Miss Doing On Instagram

Instagram is currently one of the largest and active social networking platforms that have a huge community of different people, who are constantly hungry for visual content. Instagram is mobile and this is why people keep browsing this platform almost every time. Whether you are interested in creating a name or you are interested in getting more followers as well as increase engagement, there are certain things that you should definitely implement into the already existing Instagram strategy that you are following. This is especially important for the brands that are competing with the other brands belonging to the same niche. Even when you are hunting for new ideas regarding the content that you should be posting, you need to know about these unique tips. 

Given below is a list of the things that you definitely cannot miss doing on Instagram. 

Posting photo collages

One out of every 5 users among the billion active users that Instagram has is responsible for posting photos in the form of collages, as stated by www.lifewire.com. They make use of the third party applications for choosing multiple photos, which can easily be incorporated into a single photo and condense them into one post only. If you are asking as to why you should post collages on Instagram, you need to know that this is the one perfect way of narrating stories with the help of numerous photos. Instead of posting every photo separately, you have the freedom of combining them for displaying different scenes, which are related to a particular event. 

Image Source : Pixabay

Make use of appropriate hashtags within the captions

Hashtags are considered to be one of the most crucial support systems of the brands, especially when they are making their posts searchable. Hashtags are used by the users to look for specifically themed posts, which they are interested in going through. Hashtags provide the users the ideal way of categorically filtering down the results, which are based primarily on phrases and keywords. 

If you are asking as to why you should be using hashtags, you need to know that your potential clients or customers are constantly searching for hashtags every time. If you post attractive videos and photos and incorporate relevant hashtags on the basis of the niche that you are operating in, it helps in increasing the chances of getting more followers as well as engagement. 

Also Read : 7 Foolproof ways to market your restaurant through Instagram Marketing

Posting time-lapse videos

Only posting photos on Instagram is not going to help you at all. Instagram was responsible for introducing Hyperlapse, which is responsible for letting the users film as well as create time-lapse videos of high quality. If you do not know what exactly a time-lapse video is, you need to know that a time lapse video is sped up so that users can watch these videos in a short time. 

There is no denying the fact that the online span of each and every person is extremely short nowadays and the users are going to take only two seconds to watch a video and decide whether it is worth watching the rest or not. If they do not like your video, they are going to move on. Time-lapse is an ideal way of hooking the attention of the viewers in an effective manner by squeezing numerous footages within the time limit of 15 seconds. You might ask, does Instagram tell you when you screenshotany post, but the answer is no. 

Also Read: 5 Reasons you should integrate your e-commerce site with Instagram

Edit the captions in case if there are any mistakes

For a really long time, it was impossible to edit the captions on Instagram. If you would make any mistake, you would have to delete your post and repost it all over again. Currently, Instagram captions can be edited. 

You already know that your Instagram caption is the best place where you can attract the attention of the users towards your post. In case if you make a tiny little mistake, you are going to be the discussion of the moment among your users. This is why it is a good idea to edit the captions after you have uploaded your post. Apart from that, you also have the option of tagging users or adding hashtags long after you have posted any particular content. 

Ensure that you are posting at the ideal time

It is true that people are constantly looking down at their smartphones almost every time, but you need to know that there are certain optimal times as well as a better performing day in a week, during which you should post. If you are interested in getting more attention as well as engagement on each and every post, it is crucial that you research the time when most of your followers are active. 

There have been statistical proofs, which state that morning, midday, as well as early evening are definitely the ideal time when people are active on Instagram. Sundays and Thursdays also perfect but Friday nights or Saturdays are not usually that active. 

Also Read : How businesses use Instagram Stories

Track the Instagram statistics

If you have numerous followers and you are receiving engagement, it is a good idea to track the statistics with the help of Instagram analytics. Instagram analytics will help you to understand the kinds of contents that the followers like, the type of audience who are viewing your posts, and the posts that are capable of driving the most engagement. 

Apart from that, Instagram analytics also helps in understanding the traffic that you are gaining on your website as a result of Instagram. It is a must for any business to understand analytics in order to gain success. 

Also Read : Instagram-The best media to build a brand

Use shoutouts for increasing the exposure and gaining more followers

If you come across users, who have the same number of followers, you need to know that they are often going to agree to partner with you and promote your brand, only if you do the same. It is known as a shoutout. This helps in increasing the exposure of your brand as well as helps in giving more followers to your Instagram account as well. 


Instagram can be extremely tricky and it is crucial for you to know as to how you can use it perfectly. Ensure that you are going through the things mentioned above so that you do not miss out anything. 

Author Bio: –

Kristen Smith has been working on the importance of social media in marketing with thousands of real Instagram followers for her postings. You can visit  does Instagram tell you when you screenshot for more information.

© 2019 Digitaldimensions4u.com The content is copyrighted to Reji Stephenson and may not be reproduced on other websites.


Team Digital Dimensions

Team Digital Dimensions is a team of writers under the editorial team of Digitaldimensions4u.com

View Comments

  • Hey there!

    So, I stumbled on your blog this morning via Ileane's Basic Blog Tips blog and thought to check with some of your posts.

    Well, I found this one particularly useful... And trust me, you didn't disappoint. Kudos Reji!

    Yes, Instagram is one of the biggest social media platforms since Mark bought it, can't really remember when again. :)

    I use it a lot and I have just recently started taking it seriously, and so far so good... I have grown from 1k following on Insta to 8k+ following and I can't wait to hit 10k so I can do even more interesting stunts on IG.

    I like your post man, and I have bookmarked your blog so I can come back to read your great posts. Kudos!


    • Hi Sam,

      Thank you very much for the visit and the comment but sorry for the much delayed reply. Good to hear about your Instagram account. I hope you will make the follower count 10,000 very soon.

      Thanks once again for your encouraging words.

      Reji Stephenson

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