
List of top 50 technology blogs in India

Every blogger will feel proud when their blog gets mentioned as a top quality one, especially when millions of blogs…

9 years ago

Software testing as a career option for non-science graduates

You might wonder why I am writing a post on software testing on this blog. At least a few number…

10 years ago

Rounds announced the release of its new version of video chat

Instant video chat applications play an important role in today’s communication between people for both personal and business purposes. Who…

10 years ago

6 Must-have free android apps for a blogger

Nearly two months from now I changed my contract with ‘Apple’ and switched over to Samsung Galaxy S5, hence started…

10 years ago

Is India’s Mars Orbiter mission, the Mangalyaan, an exorbitance?

How is it possible for India to join the elite group of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), ESA (European…

10 years ago

Five useful free i-phone apps for you

Whenever I use any new i-phone app, I would like to share the same with others. Even if there are…

10 years ago

18 must-have free iPhone apps (2014)

We all know that lakhs of apps are available in the app store. Even if the list is really long,…

10 years ago

Benefits of the services of a Virtual doctor

The use of Virtual doctors in the medical field seems to be a new trend in developed countries like the…

11 years ago

Verizon Virtual Visits and the Virtual Doctor

Verizon, an American-based broadband and telecommunications giant made its existence felt in the Telemedicine market by the introduction of a…

11 years ago

Nine signs that your child may get addicted to the iPad

It is a typical scenario everywhere in the world that children are using technology even before they can talk. I…

11 years ago