People write blogs for many reasons. Many like to showcase their writing skills or other skills like photography. Few of them like to have their poetry skills seen by more audience. Many newbie bloggers think that they will become a famous blogger soon.
Whenever there is a discussion about blogging, it will end up in money making opportunities as well. Hence, we can’t avoid mentioning about those who started blogging to make money online.
Even if there are hundreds of reasons why someone start a blog, no one will start a blog to become famous. But in their long run as a blogger, some of them attain the status of celebrities and become famous. I am not saying that all the bloggers are famous. I will say that only a selected number of bloggers will attain the status of a real celebrity.
Here, I am not talking about those who are already a celebrity and running a blog of their own. You cannot say that they are famous because they are bloggers. Having a blog may make them attain more respect and admiration from their fans.
We know that Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachan and American actress and singer Gwyneth Paltrow have their blogs that they update regularly. Their fans are eager to see about the new updates that give them information regarding a new film or program.
I know you are not a celebrity. Am I right? You are an ordinary person like me who also writes a blog. Let’s see the situation from an ordinary bloggers point of view. In this context, I am using the word ‘ordinary blogger’ to represent someone like me who is a blogger and not a celebrity.
Imagine you are not a blogger and never tried to be one. Even if we are a blogger or not, we will read a lot on the internet like the news articles and so on. My question here is ‘Do you check who is the author of an article you might come across the internet while searching for some information?’
I don’t think you will do that. If you are not a blogger yourself, you may not be much interested to know about the author of that particular content you just read online. I never used to do that before the days when I started to write a blog. Only if you are a blogger or a writer, you will have that curiosity to know about the author behind a topic that you read online.
So I would say that updating your blog with useful and quality articles alone will never make you a famous blogger. Definitely, you will become known among your fellow bloggers and in the circle of online communities where you are interacting with a large number of bloggers. But, that alone make you a famous person or celebrity to a wider audience.
Then what else more you need to do to become a famous blogger? Before I answer that question, let me go through some of my friend’s opinion about starting a blog.
I asked many of my friends to start a blog. I thought that if any of my friends develop an interest in blogging, it could be more beneficial for me. The real fact is that most of them or all of them have some negative things to say about blogging. It seems that they have more misconceptions than the actual facts.
Here are some of the opinions I got from different people including some close friends about starting a blog.
Seriously, these are the answers I heard from many people and they all like to say a big ‘No’ to blogging as a career or a hobby. I believe you might have heard similar views from few of your friends too. If these are the misconceptions about blogging, it is sure that no one will try to become famous by starting a blog. Because they believe that it is a crap thing to do in life. So they don’t believe in any positive aspects of blogging or they never properly understand the advantages of having a blog.
Then, who has the chance to become famous by blogging? Now let me answer that question here.
Few important things you have to do to make yourself a famous blogger
Remember that I am not talking about becoming a popular a blogger in one particular country where you live. You may be a popular blogger in your country of origin or active in some of the online communities and forums. Still you need to do put more effort if you want to become more famous in the eyes of a global audience. I am not trying to degrade anyone by arguing that being famous in your country does not make you famous with respect to a worldwide audience. Here, I am attempting to inspire you to take your blog to the next level to become more popular.
So here are the few things that may lead you to become a famous blogger if you keep consistently working on your blog. Even though I am not a great blogger myself, I am compiling the list based on my little blogging experience and analysis of the trends in blogging.
1.Do something unique that make you entirely different from other bloggers.
You need to do something unique compared to all others in the field. One of the major complaints about blogging is the presence of the similar type of contents or ideas all over the internet in the form of blogs. So you should look for something different from others. For example, I can share you a simple experience of posting personal photos in Facebook. I never like the idea of sharing personal photos in Facebook. Even if I post some pictures occasionally, the comments and likes I used to get from my friends was minuscule. But the attention I got for a cartoon picture of myself drawn by my little daughter when she was just four years old was entirely different. I got the most number of comments and Facebook likes for the picture. Hence, I would suggest that if you would like to stand out from the crowd and get noticed, you need to find something unique and more attention seeking. Remember you are not the only blogger, there are million others. So try something extra which is unique.
2.Provide high-quality services to your clients
When you start a blog, the number of visitors you have will be less. Even though the readers are very less, make sure that you provide some quality service to anyone who approach you for any help. The traffic to your blog may not be the same after few months or years. You may have double the number of visitors than before. If you provide your readers with high-quality service, you can achieve a considerable amount of increase in the number of clients who approach for a service. The word will spread, and hence more number of people and even organisations may start contacting you for your service. Here is your best chance to show your presence and abilities and make a reputation. You may be providing your clients with web designing or any other service. Try to do your best and brand yourself as a master.
Remember the journey of Neil Patel.He is the best example for a blogger who became famous by giving valuable service to his clients including many corporate giants.
3.Make more money online
People will become famous automatically when they become wealthy. No one recognizes you or care about you if you don’t have enough cash. But having money will give you fame and reputation. The same applies to people from every walk of life. Those who make more money from their blogs have the greater chance of being famous. Bloggers like John Chow from became popular and get noticed when they started to earn huge income from their blogs. Eventually, they began to appear in TV interviews and also featured in leading newspaper columns. So I suggest you not to make any delay in putting more and more effort to make more money online.
4.Promote your blog properly
You are providing valuable and unique contents in your blog. You may be providing good service to all your clients. Still you need to promote your blog as much as possible. Even though your contents and quality of service you provide from the blog is great, make sure that you are following the best blog promotion activities. If your blog promotion is not up to the mark, the blog may not be noticed by more people around the world. Try to be part of more online communities and actively engage yourself in reading others blog and start commenting on it. I know the time available for you is the biggest hindrance that make you less active in communities and forums. Even I find it hard for finding enough time to make an active involvement in online communities. You may not do many promotional activities for your blog and still enjoy the privileges of being a blogger. But remember that it will only make you a blogger but not a famous blogger like Neil Patel or John Chow.
5.Promote yourself
Self-promotion has its good and bad effects. It may affect you and your blog in a positive or negative way. Too much of self-promotion will make a negative impact for your blog. It may reduce the professional image of your blog especially if you have a technology blog. Still people may like to know more about the author of a blog. This curiosity of readers makes them interested in reading some personal matters and opinions from you. Here you have to find out the exact limit where you can go with your personal promotion that may be different from blog to blog depending upon the niche. Still there are so many instances where personal blogs made people famous. It is not a bad idea to have a separate personal blog for yourself along with a professional blog to promote yourself. You will have the freedom to write anything and everything under the sun in your personal blog. Also, that same blog can be used to promote your professional blogs through links and promotional posts.
These are few steps that may make you a famous blogger if you take it seriously and do your persistent hard work. There is no shortcut to significant success in blogging. Please spare a little time in the comments column for adding any more steps that can make a blogger more famous and popular. I would like to hear more ideas on this topic from other fellow bloggers. Thank you for your precious time with
Image Source:Pixabay
© The content is copyrighted to Reji Stephenson and may not be reproduced on other websites.
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View Comments
All I can say in response to this, Reji, is that I walked away from my blog when its "followers" reached around 3,500. I knew perfectly well that these "followers" were people who had been taken by some post, and hit the Follow button because that's what they do; but I never heard from roughly 3,000 of them again. Maybe more !
So as to how to establish blogging fame ... only the gods know that !
Hi Margaret,
Happy to see you back to my blog after a very long gap. I am sorry to hear that you lost almost three thousand of your blog followers. Try using the plug-in called Jetpack. You may be able to gain all your followers back if the plug-in works without any error. Install Jetpack plug-in on your blog. Then you can do the migration of your followers to your new blog by logging into your old Wordpress account. Have a try and see whether it works for you.
Have a great time
Reji Stephenson
Yes, All I can say is you are 100% right. Becoming Pro blogger or famous in blogging isn't easy. You have to struggle a lot as well as you, have to show to your audience that what exactly you are doing to improve your blog and traffic.
It is hard to become famous and you have pointed out some points by which someone can get popularity in blogging.
Hi Adarsh,
Welcome to my blog for the first time and thank you for your positive comment.It is really hard to become a famous Pro blogger. But, I never say that it is a never achievable target if someone put the much-needed constant effort and hard work.
Have a great day Adarsh.
Reji Stephenson
Hi Reji,
This is amazing!
You did it again!
Covered almost all!
Coming to the point of Blog promotion,
It is a must, for all bloggers, unless we do who else will do!
Of course our regular followers surely will do, but for that there is a limit.
In my opinion, we do not feel shy or guilty in this area, if you do, how others will get to know about our wonderful and useful creations. Of course, there is an other side too in this area. Self promotion too is good but there should be a limit to it, but an a educative and informative post or a wonderful and useful alert thru our page should be promoted at several intervals thru our social media and other share means like email etc.
Thanks Reji for writing this informative piece
May you have a wonderful and profitable month ahead! :-)
Best Regards
~ Philip
Hi Brother Phil,
Thank you for visiting the blog and your valuable comments.
Regarding blog commenting, you know better than me. Here, I was trying to point out that a blog should be promoted properly to get visible to a wider audience. Otherwise, good quality contents may even get unnoticed, and the blogger himself will lose his inspiration.
I am adding the link of a very useful blogpost from Mi Muba here regarding blog commenting.
How to write quality comments on 30 blog posts daily in Three and half hours.
I think the above post will be useful for any newbie bloggers who may read these comments here.
Best regards
Have a great time.
Reji Stephenson
#6. Be persistent and patient.
It would be interesting to know how long it took Neil Patel or John Chow to become famous bloggers. As a published author, I have always found encouragement to carry on until I found publication by the knowledge that most published authors take around ten years of writing to break into publication. Of course, there are always the exceptions to the rule who write one book and find a publisher and instant fame and success to the point of box office movies.
Hi Marion,
Happy to see you again in my blog and thank you for your much valuable comments. You mentioned one of the much needed quality to survive as a blogger.If we are not persistent and patient enough in our efforts, we may not reach anywhere near our targets or aim. Still there are exceptions like you said. Some people may be lucky enough to get that instant fame and success due to some reasons of their own.
Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Have a great time ahead.
Thank you
Reji Stephenson
HI Reji
Its indeed a nice piece of creative writing. Loved the way you wrote and told all the aspects regarding the secrets of becoming a famous blogger in the industry.
I love your uniqueness and the point where you tell some crucial parts about it.
Have a nice day Reji
Thanks :)
Hemant Yadav
Hi Hamant,
Welcome to my blog for the first time and thank you very much for the encouraging comment. Hoping to see you again and have more interactions in future.
Reji Stephenson