With the ever-exceeding emergence of technology-driven pathways for business growth, several industries are adopting newer concepts to facilitate themselves & their target customers. Healthcare & medical industry is ahead in the race of adapting app technology to improve their medical procedures & deliver better treatments with exact precision. Mobile apps are getting popular not only among health care experts but also among their patients & medical organisations.
From top-notch hospitals to chemists, mobile apps are widely accessed to provide optimum healthcare services just by following a systematic procedure. Many patients prefer to use medical apps to get right treatments from professionals with required immediacy. No one can deny this fact that mobile apps share a great advantage for all health-related agencies, hospitals, and other medical organisations. Definitely, the demand for healthcare app development & the rate of revenue generation has been increased from last five years considering the below-mentioned stats:
From 2013-17, the revenues generated from mobile healthcare apps increased from 4.5 billion dollars to 23 billion dollars.
According to Pricewaterhouse Cooper’s analytic report, 56% of physicians prefer using mobile apps for medical guidance & decisions, 39% of medical organisations found mobile app technology favourable to perform various administrative tasks. While 36% of healthcare service providers utilise the mobile apps to manage their work & staff members.
It was found that the rates of mobile app usage vary for nursing, physicians, Pharmacy, supply chain or material management. These categories contribute in the mobile adoption rate of 96%, 69%, 56%, & 52% respectively.
Surprisingly, LWW research revealed that around 71% of nurses access their smartphones to seek assistance for operational purposes.
Considering these facts is important to analyse the significance of mobile apps in the healthcare industry. Healthcare app development facilitates patients, doctors, and medical service providers in numerous ways. It is obvious that mobile app technology plays a crucial role to build a reputation of healthcare company among patients & rate high in all areas of medical services. The advanced automated system brings better ways to provide optimal treatments along with satisfactory medical facilities.
Apps for doctors & practitioners
Doctors majorly access mobile apps to connect with their patients & provide immediate prescriptions for their health problems. Your physician can help you with initial guidance & necessary information regarding the treatment & cure. Doctors can facilitate their patients directly with mobile apps that enable them to check out their patients’ medical history & other reports such as x-rays, health tests, ultrasound, MRI, & more.
Smart apps for responsible facility managers
Healthcare app development enables improved facility management for hospitals & medical centre. It becomes easier to keep a track on buildings infrastructure & usage of resources using a custom-built mobile app. Many health centres, hospitals, & medical institutions introduce a user-friendly mobile app for their facility managers & let them resolve & reduce the probability of inconvenience recurring in the system.
User-friendly mobile apps for healthcare business owners
Better health is vital to sustain a disease-free lifestyle. Obviously, no one can take any risk with the health condition and therefore, everyone needs a reliable healthcare service provider as renowned in the industry. Several healthcare industrialists hire hospital app developers in order to monitor the entire work area of the organisation. A mobile app allows hospital owner to determine their flow of funds, health insurance facilities, availability of wards, staff for emergency cases, & many important procedures.
Feature-rich mobile Apps for patients
Healthcare mobility is an important factor to assist patients with the best medical services. Patients find it easier to check out their smart devices for getting any medical help & guidance from medical professionals.
Healthcare apps are majorly accessed by patients as they facilitate them in many ways like those mentioned below.
To communicate & discuss health issues via live chats with the doctor.
To search right healthcare specialist for guidance & treatment.
To locate nearby clinics & book appointments.
To reschedule appointment at medical centre
To display all updated health reports in one click.
To learn additional information & gain knowledge for disease or health condition.
Many leading hospitals go for medical app development in order to get an innovative mobile app specifically for their staff. It becomes easier to facilitate patients & other visitors at hospitals by using a custom-built mobile app that allows:
Better workflow management in the hospital premises.
Assist patients & first-time visitor to find the parking area, wards, other indoor & outdoor places.
Automated check-in & check-out with hassle-free queue management.
Assign task to staff and monitor their work effectively.
Display an overview or map to patients to save their time in finding the right route.
Sending notifications instantly to guide them towards the specific doctor/ ward.
Healthcare agencies take benefits of the mobile apps to simplify every medical procedure & deliver effective treatments along with top-quality services. Many healthcare centres gather patient’s medical information & related reports that will help specialists to analyse all medical conditions at once.
Here are some must-known benefits of healthcare app development based on some extraordinary features of a medical mobile application:
Platform to get optimal treatment from medical experts conveniently
Ease to reach out right medico for your treatment is a primary benefit of using a healthcare mobile app. You can search more detailed information for any disease & check out the latest treatments or medical prescriptions for them. You can view feedback or review given by patients at any medical centre.
Customised photo gallery of hospital
Using photo gallery, you can check out entire staff of doctors, treatments available, medical facilities, wards, and other important factors of a medical clinic & hospital. Furthermore, you can also view the location & area of any clinic or healthcare centre nearby you. You don’t have to waste your time in surfing the internet for any medical information & treatment guidance if you have a useful medical app installed in your device.
Simple documentation with facts & figures for treatment precision
A healthcare mobile app enables easier documentation of patients’ reports. It helps doctors provide right treatment by having in-depth knowledge of patient’s medical history. In other words, a medical specialist can easily check out your health details & paper records via a device-responsive healthcare mobile app.
Manage proper health routine
A patient can book appointments, talk to medical specialists via video conferencing or live chat, and get updated information regarding any disease along with related treatments. Furthermore, healthcare app development also benefits a patient to keep track on proper medications with regular notifications.
Map to find nearby doctors & hospitals
Whenever you mention your health condition, a list of professional doctors will be displayed on your gadget’s screen. You can choose any medical specialists for initial prescriptions in order to decide for further treatment. With a user-friendly medical app, you can view the location of clinics & healthcare centre with map & visit there without any inconvenience.
Healthcare app development encircles various practices to provide proper healthcare services to patients. Many medical app developers integrate interactive features specified for AR equipped devices as this technology is helpful to carry out error-free surgeries & internal treatments with 100% accuracy. So, it clear to say that mobile app technology will bring favourable & innovative ways to facilitate better healthcare options for upcoming generation
Ashni Sharma works as a mobile app developer at AppsChopper. Her proficiency in app development & creative skills encourages her to write & share informational blogs based on the trending topics.
Image Source:Pixabay
©2017 Digitaldimensions4u.com The content is copyrighted to Reji Stephenson and may not be reproduced on other websites.
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View Comments
Well..! What u said about mobile apps are true. Now a days mobile app marketing is the most successful business in the world. Most people are implementing their ideas through apps because the trend right now is like that.
And I guess this is the right way to some more facilities like the medical field. Till now there are not many apps for medical treatment and if it does I am sure that medical industry will definitely get a major hit.
Thanks for sharing this information with us.
That's a big step for us people. It will make our life easier. With just one click away and there you go what you want.
Thanks for the visit and the comment.
Hi, Great Post.
I Would also like to add that app for doctors appointment are great way for the patients to get their needs online. But also patients who are in need of a ambulance should also have a App regarding ambulance booking.
You can book ambulance online here and can save your time as well as someone's life when in Emergency.
Hi Reji
Nowadays these kinds of apps help us a lot and also helps us to beware of what to do and what not to do. I have many apps but these health apps are much better than any other apps.
Thanks, Alfredo for your visit.