When we talk about social media networks, the very first few names we have in our mouth are Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter and then we count Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. because of their limited functionalities. What makes them very popular is their diversity and easy acceptability. Almost everyone, irrespective of his origin, is present on these social media networks
Though Instagram has its own limitations, yet has a larger diversity remaining in comparison to Twitter. Whereas, Facebook has way more to explore and is above every other network in terms of diversification.
Instagram has a separate identity of the image-friendly social media network, that gives it a dedicated identity. Facebook would be better in other aspects but when it comes to photographic content, everyone thinks of Instagram first.
Knowing all such facts, why should we not involve our Instagram in our businesses?

How Instagram can benefit to e-commerce businesses?
In the case of business, first of all, the business must have its digital presence, so that Instagram can help in any way. User-generated content is abundantly available in social media networks as one does not require to market itself if one can embed it into its business website.
You can also embed your Instagram feed widget into your business website as Instagram allows us a number of features like applying hashtags, tagging a place & the user itself, and gives us genuine user-generated content, in an image, or video form that could be a part of our visual marketing strategy.
Ways to connect Instagram to your business
A WordPress plugin-
It is one of the most commonly used methods to embed Instagram widget into a website. WordPress is one of the most used content management systems today having more than 60 percent of the overall CMS build websites alone.
It is an easy and code-based solution to get all your desired Instagram feed and convert it shoppable on your website.
There are multiple amazing embedding tools as well, which can help you embed your Instagram widget onto your business website.
A better tool would not only embed a single Instagram post but allows you to create a feed on the basis of hashtags or places or a specific account.
An even better tool would further allow moderating the content as there may be many posts that are inappropriate to showcase publically.
Thus, the best tool would render all such features which can grab the user-generated content and allow filter them according to all the public guidelines and ethics.
How great it would be if a tool allows multiple themes or customizable format for the embedded social media widget as well.
Taggbox not only allows the content moderation in both manual and automatic modes but also offers numerous themes to the embedded Instagram widget.

Instagram Inbuilt Embedding Option
This is one of its inbuilt features to embed an Instagram post to your website through code.
Moreover, it also gives an option to copy not only the code to embed the post but also a check-box to copy the caption. The only limitation it has is, it is a browser-based option but not an application one.
Thus, you can embed your’s or any business-related Instagram post onto your website just by clicking the EMBED option available with every post and copying it to your website, but only in a browser mode.
Credible audience and its benefits
Instagram especially has a niche audience in terms of credibility. Though the Facebook and Instagram both have some census as fake, yet Instagram comes out better than Facebook in this aspect.
The main benefit of a genuine audience is that the promotions go worth and the post reaches a maximum genuine account, which ultimately helps increase the ROI as well.
The more the genuineness, the more the conversion rate will be.
Twitter in terms of genuineness, is a leader according to various stats and surveys. There is an implicit reason which is responsible for this genuineness of users, is the diverse functionality.
The more diverse a social media network is, the higher its probability of having fake users will be.
Tools are no less than your fingers.
What matters the most is how flexible and dynamic your tool is?
If it allows you to fetch the data, moderate or filter that data as per your requirements, offers you all such dynamism so that you can design your Instagram widget as per your website’s interface, it is a worth to spend money on.
Else, it is over to you that how much or less you are considerate about your ROI and e-commerce business.
Author bio:

Anne Griffin is a digital marketer and technical writer. She is passionate about exploring and writing about innovation, technology, and digital marketing trends.
© 2019 Digitaldimensions4u.com The content is copyrighted to Reji Stephenson and may not be reproduced on other websites.
Image Source : Pixabay
(Note:This post is a guest contribution by Miss. Anne Griffin. Read more about her in the author bio)
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