(This is a guest contribution by Mr. Robin Khokhar. Read more about him in the Author bio below the post.)
Are you a blogger and not getting much ideas to write a new blog post? You have a Micro niche blog and not finding a topic for your blog?
When I was a newbie I wanted to write about everything I see and read but now I make choices for my Blog posts and try to make it unique and excellent so that it is being liked and shared by the readers.
And if you are always confused about writing a blog post, then I must say that you have landed on the right page. Because I will be sharing some of the best techniques which I have used to write blog posts for my blog. Not only for your blog but these tips will help you to write a guest post on other’s blog too.
I don’t know that you have read or not any post for crafting blog post ideas, but I assure you, after reading this post you will not have any difficulty in writing any blog post.
Crafting a good blog post is very difficult, but a good post can reign over the internet in all the ways. I personally recommend you to use long tailed keywords for your blog post.
So, here are the tools and techniques which I used to get blog posting Ideas:
My first ever tip that I want to give to any blogger to get ideas for blog posting is to read others blog. Mainly I recommend reading the blog posts of Brian Dean of backlinko, Harsh Aggarwal of Shoutmeloud and Neil Patel of Quick Sprout. And there are many other amazing Bloggers. Just check out how they craft a full amazing post from a single query or word into a huge post. You can do that too.
If you want to become a good writer, first you have to become a good reader. Let me tell you how I get amazing blog post ideas by reading others blog, I look for questions used by them and mainly check the comments. Because in the comment section you will get questions asked by newbies and if the question is good enough then writing a blog post on it is not a bad idea. This has always worked for me and has helped me to get some extra traffic.
This website is a treasure for me to find Blog posting ideas. Just search something on Quora and you will be getting hundreds of questions, answered or unanswered.
If you are a regular user of Quora, you must be familiar with it.
Suppose if I search a word or Phrase on it, it will help you get many ideas.
I have taken a screenshot of it. It shows all the recent question asked and you scroll down to get lots of questions for the same.
You can follow those topics or person who you interest the most. I have made my profile in such a way that I get the questions which are in my niche only like SEO, Google, WordPress and other technical things.
But you can make your profile according to your niche. Like you have a niche about animals, what you have to do is follow persons who ask questions about animals or answer about animals. Quora is smart enough and will appear up all the things that you choose.
You can call Google the Daddy of all search engines and everyone wants to rank for it. And on the other hand, Google is a big help and can help you get blog better posting ideas for your blog too.
Let me tell, how Google can help you to get blog posting ideas. I think there are two ways.
#Searching on the Google
When you search on the Google, it automatically starts working and gives you suggestions. Like when I type the word “Apple”, I get some other words like “Apple India”, “Apple Iphone6” and “Apple Iphone5s”. You can see the image below.
#Related searches
This idea came to my mind when one of the bloggers emailed me and asked (because I subscribed to her blog) “Can I write a post for you?” She asked me. And I will write for you on my blog. Tell me about the difficulties you are going through”. It’s very good way to get blog ideas. And this way you also email your subscribers to solve their difficulties and get blog posting ideas.
Another incident that happened to me, he was new a blogger and was asking me questions again and again about blogging on social networking site (Facebook). And I was unable to answer all his questions due to lack of time. So, I asked him to email all his queries, and he emailed me. What I did, you will be amazed. I wrote a post on his question-based email, and that is really doing good and got many comments. You can check my post (Questions asked by one of my Visitors).
So, I would recommend you to email your blog visitors personally and ask them what they would like to learn or read. In what area they are struggling? It will boost your blog post ideas, and you will be able to write better and more.
There are many community sites which you can join to get some blog posting ideas. Every day on these community sites many questions are asked, and many are answered. Everyone can share their views and discuss in these communities.
I personally get many ideas from these sites. Sites like Inbound.org, disqus.com, indiblogger.in, growthhackers.com and answers.com. These community sites have not only helped me to get blog posting ideas but also helped me to get some good referral traffic for my blog. Mainly Inbound.org is an awesome community site where you will find millions of active users helping each other. If you want to know about anything which you don’t know, just make a question and ask there, you will surely get a good response.
I will always suggest joining as many as community sites you can join. I also wanted to give a mention about the forums, use them too. I rarely use them but if possible use them.
I think this is one of the best ideas of blog posting. Although I haven’t yet made a roundup post for my blog, there are many bloggers who are doing roundup post to get lots of traffic and more exposure. The reason for making a roundup post is that many people/bloggers are involved in the roundup, and having involved so many bloggers means they will be commenting on your blog as a thanksgiving returning the favor.
I have seen many new bloggers gaining a load of traffic and exposure. What these new bloggers do, involve more than 100 bloggers in their one post which in return proves to be a good help. Because there may be some bloggers, who will be returning the favor by sharing the post on their social networks which could turn into a good startup for the blog publisher.
I have seen many bloggers with a menu of “interview” on the top. Writing about some good and popular bloggers will help you to boost your website. Reach the blogger or entrepreneur who is popular and have a good reputation and ask them to be the part your interview.
I am sure that they will be willing to give the interview for your blog. But it all depends on you that how you do the interview with them and how you convert that interview into the best blog post.
Even taking the interview with other bloggers will boost up your blog via social networks. The reason you will get more social shares because bloggers want to share their achievement’s with their audience to make a good reputation.
Finally, What I want to say:
These are the tools and techniques which I used many times to find blog posting ideas for my blog. I believe that these tips are going to be a big help for you too.
But still if you think that that you need more help with the blog posting ideas, I will be available for you.
And also, if you know any technique or tips for creating a blog post, then do let us know through your comment and make this post even more valuable for the readers.
Image courtesy:Pixabay
©2016Digitaldimensions4u.com The content is copyrighted to Reji Stephenson and may not be reproduced on other websites.
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View Comments
Hi Reji,
Thank you for sharing this helpful post on getting better blog posting ideas. I'll utilize your suggestions for my business. Hoping to go through more posts from you shortly.
Hi Alamgir,
The credit is not mine. It is actually a guest post from Robin Khokhar. But, thanks that you visited the blog and made the comment. Looking forward to see more interactions in future too.
Have a great time blogging.
Best regards
Reji Stephenson
Hey Reji and Robin,
Getting blog ideas is one of the hardest things for many bloggers at times and when most of the time we get blog post idea but we don't know how to get started (writer's block).
As you said round up and interviews are one of the easiest way to get a new blog post on our blog. We just have to reach out to our friends and influencers and if they are agree we can get good exposure from their followings.
Thanks for sharing these tips Robin and Reji.
Yogesh Shinde
Hi Yogesh,
Yes, it is one of the best ways to take interviews and make roundups with those who you already know. Because they will naturally support you more.
And thanks, Stopping by and Commenting.
Hi Yogesh,
Thanks for the visit and the comment.Robin came up with some good ideas for finding blog post topics.
Hoping to have more interactions in future too. Have a great time blogging.
Best regards
Reji Stephenson
Hi Reji and Robin,
Great ideas. I have started looking for blog post ideas over at Quora myself. It's a "gem mine" full of ideas. Thank you for the other suggestions too.
As a writer, I also suggest that you keep a notebook or your phone near at all times. You never know when something will inspire you or give you and idea and a few minutes taken to write it down or recorded on your phone will make a great library of ideas to draw from.
Hi Monna,
Yes, having a handy notebook or something like that is a big help because we will not forget the about the ideas.
You are right when I am using my Pc and get ideas with same the I note them down on a notepad and later write about that.
Hi Monna,
Thanks for the visit. I agree with your opinion that we get lot of blog post ideas from Quora. Eventhough, I am not a regular user of Quora, I am thinking of using it more so that I can come up with more blog post ideas.
Have a great time blogging.
Best regards
Reji Stephenson
Hi Robin,
Good to see you on the pages of Reji
Good, to read a lot of things in relation to blogging,
Hey, Robin, I can very well relate to some of the areas you mentioned in this post,
Yes, a beginner will think that he can put his hands everywhere, but surely that will not work well very often! Yes, as you said we need to be very selective!
The points you mentioned in this post are really worth notable,
You started with a good starter, yes, READING is vital in writing! Only a good reader can make good writings! So my sincere advice to newbie bloggers is "Read, Read, and Read" and practice writing… that will surely fetch you lot of knowledge and that lead you to write well too! Not to copy or emulate others writing as it is instead developing a writing style of our own!
And of course Quora is a good platform to roam around to get some knowledge from different intellects and scholars, I know few of them there are doing wonderful service to the writing community, one need to join Quora to get more knowledge on your respective niche.
And coming to the point ROUNDUP posts:
First of all, I thank you for the kind mention about my Roundup post, but I slightly differ on your opinion that one may get more comments into their inbox, but sad to say that it is the other way round, most often even the people mentioned in the roundup post may not look back to say a word of thanks or share a word about the post. This I am saying from my own experience, very few return to visit and say a comment, of course, they may sometimes share it on their social sites. But to my experience, instead if you write a well-balanced educational and informative post you will get more comments on that than a Roundup post.
Thanks Robin for sharing such a lot of information. Here on Neji's page, I appreciate you,
Thanks Reji for inviting Robin to join in
Wish you both a wonderful rest of the week
Keep writing
Keep sharing
~ Phil
Hi Philip Sir,
First of all thanks for writing these kind words. And you are right there may be persons who may not even share the roundup post and I don't know a more experienced person like you with the roundup post. So, I respect and agree with your opinion.
Thanks for commenting.
Hi Brother Phil,
As usual you come up with a very long comment full of new ideas and suggestions based on your long term career in writing. I am really happy to see your comments as it acts as a confidence booster at times.
Regarding the topic, Robin came up with ideas not only for the newbie bloggers but also for the experieced bloggers.
Looking forward to see more comments from you in this blog.
Once again thanks and regards
Keep Sharing.
Reji Stephenson
Hi Robin,
Better and better blog posting is always helpful to rise the amount of web traffic on your site. Quora and google search are always helpful in determining out the better ideas about blog writing and creation of content. Thanks for sharing this information. Like the way how you have explained that info...
Yes, I don't think that are any better options for Google and Quora.And I am glad that I was able to help. Thanks for stopping and Sharing your important feedbacks.
Hi Robin,
Excellent post. I liked the idea number two. Keep sharing such post for newbie blogger like me.
Hi Rajat,
I am glad that you liked the Quora, also happy that I am helping newbie bloggers. Thanks for sharing your feedback man.
Hello Reji and Robin
Truly valid points and insightful presentation of everything listed
I would say, roundups are the best ways to generate a blog post idea and a huge blow of traffic as well. Adding to it, it has big advertising potential as well. If you do a blog roundup having more than 100 bloggers, you can reach an advertiser to pay you for making that roundup and putting a link inside.
Hi Vashishtha,
Glad to see your insights again. I totally agree with your point about the advertising potential of a round-up post. Looking forward to see your opinions in future too. Have a great time blogging.
Best regards
Reji Stephenson
Hi Vashistha,
I am glad that the points were I shared are valid for you. And I am sure the advertising thing surely work.
Hey Reji,
Great reading. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Alicia,
Thanks for the visit and the comments.
Best regards
Reji Stephenson
Hi Alicia,
Thanks for Sharing your feedback with us.