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Anyways, your content need links for better Keyword ranking. Whether it is internal or external or backlinks, it does.
Perhaps, if you have control over such links, then flourish it. Internal links are such that connects the inner pages of the site. It helps search engines to understand your site structure well. Also, internal links can help users to better navigate through the related content.
Similarly, internal linking offers several benefits in terms of SEO too. The cliche is, only if you do it rightly. In this article, I will present you how internal linking can boost keyword ranking. As well as, share you some amazing ideas to inter-link properly boosting your SEO ranking.
Above all, you have full control over the internal linking. It may be either link location, anchor texts, or anything.
Before getting into it, here are some of the considerations of internal linking.
- With internal links, Google determines the significance of a page with respect to other pages on your site.
- More links a page receive, more value it gets in search engine perspectives. Link value will be lower though.
- Like external links, internal links also indicates the value of a page compared to other pages within the website.
- Even 1,000 internal links in a page is reasonable number that Google considers (anyways, your content must be lengthier). It includes every individual link in header, footer, sidebar, menu or anything.
- Internal linking can even boost low keyword ranking pages receiving large number of internal links from high value pages.
- Links from new pages passes fresh value to the old pages notifying about new content to Google.
Let’s see how internal ranking strategies can improve your SEO rankings. But, before that, here are the elements of internal linking that impacts its outcomes.
Anchor Text:
The text or words that highlight the link that you are incorporating into it. Internal links have less importance to its anchor text, still it is considerable.
Link Location:
The place where are having internal links matters. It includes sidebar widgets, header or footer. Usually webmasters are likely to place internal links in these areas, to improve keyword ranking of a certain page. Google doesn’t like these activities like manipulating links or stuffing anchor texts. Internal link within the post content is of high quality.
Linked Page:
Most important element since it is where you are redirecting your users via internal link. It must be most relevant.
Authority of pages:
Certain pages in your site might have more authoritative backlinks and hence, highly potential to rank. On the other hand, few pages might be lacking quality backlinks and has low value. Interlinking between pages of high and low value can boost the lazy pages.
Link Relevancy:
This is the most crucial aspect where the actual outcome of internal linking depends upon. The linking pages must relevant to each other.
First Link:
When multiple anchor texts points to the same URL, then Google considers only the first link and the respective anchor texts.
Link Type:
Use HTML link formats instead of JavaScript that has lesser influence. Also, in case of image links, its alt attributes are its anchor texts.
Armed with this basic information, let’s get started with the strategies of internal linking that boosts keyword ranking.

Benefits of Internal Linking Strategies That Boosts Keyword Rankings
1 Reduced Page Depth Boost Rankings
Click depth refers to the number of clicks required to reach a specific page from the site’s homepage. Pages that are closer to home page receive more value and attention. Considering e-commerce sites, job listing or classifieds, the site structure will be more deep and complex.
In such cases, here is an idea how internal links can help reducing page depths boosting page ranks.
Increase the number of ‘similar pages’ or ‘recommended pages’ displayed on certain pages. I mean to say increasing the number of internal links with in the category or between the related categories. Also, displaying the target pages in the homepage sidebar widgets, under ‘Popular posts’ or ‘Recent posts’ will do. By which, you bring down the deeper pages somehow closer to the main pages or shallower area.
Doing so, you can bring down the overall depth of a website enabling search engines to crawl promptly. Google can easily discover any new products listing or job listing efficiently.
Thereby, you can boost the ranking of your desired pages. Keep the anchor texts relevant to your focus keywords.
2 Specific Group of Pages Boost Keyword Ranking
Websites that are serious about content marketing to gain authority over specific topic, internal links can help immensely. By grouping the related pages on specific topic to form a hub, strengthening the key subject, improve the authority of every individual page on the same topic. Thus, improve the search engine ranking positions.
Here comes the website silo architecture into rescue. Create parent silos on each topic your site deals with. Then, categorize your pages or posts that suits the parent category. Interlink between the pages within the category. Thus, forms the content hub on closely related topics increasing the authority of specific topic.
3 Distributing Authority between Pages
As we seen above, authority of the linking pages is crucial. Check out the top linking pages of your site (from Google webmaster tools) and interlink those pages to the low authority pages that you want to improve and vice versa. Link juice that flows from high authority pages to the lower ones can boost the ranking potential of the latter.
Especially, internal links are great in boosting your landing pages or any commercial pages. Use internal linking to promote your sales pitching pages. Link it to your home page with the most relevant anchor texts. Place links in your menu so that making it accessible by most of the pages on your site.
Any page your visitors land on, will navigate through your linked pages from the menu link.
But make sure you are removing the landing page links if its promotional period was over. You can leverage the power of internal links for your Black Friday posts or any seasonal posts. Indeed, you can remove it once the deals end.
By the way, follow the best practices of internal linking to gain the utmost SEO benefits, thus resulting in better SERP keyword rankings.
Best Practices of Internal Linking For Better SEO Rankings
- Interlink from high-traffic pages to conversion-targeted pages and vice versa.
- Whenever you publish new content, don’t miss out to link it to at least four or more existing content pages.
- Interlink only between the related content or within the related category.
- Use proper anchor text that notifies exactly what content page you are interlinking.
- Keep anchor texts short and precise.
- Let the internal links be natural.
- Links you are incorporating must be valuable and worth-reading for your users.
- Avoid using generic anchor texts like ‘click here’, ‘read more’ that has less value.
- Don’t stuff anchors texts using exact words for all the links.
Takeaways of Internal Linking Strategies that Boost Rankings
Internal links can influence how Google treats your individual pages within the site. As you have entire control over internal links, make it possibly to trick, your pages ranking better in SERP’s.
By the way, internal linking is the easiest SEO strategy that impacts your ranking greatly. It will be overwhelming if you don’t have clear understanding to do it properly. Indeed, you will experience good linking profile with consistent internal linking. Improve rankings of your each individual page distributing the authority over the other.
Author Bio:–

Sathish Arumugham is a passionate Blogger, Trainer and a Digital Marketer. Glad to share that I am the man behind Traffic Crow & SGS Mediasoft. Traffic Crow is an upcoming blog that frequently comes with informative posts, interview series and expert roundups to serve its readers best forever.
Featured Image Courtesy : Pixabay
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Hi Reji,
Yes, yes, and a million yesses. This article was super important to me. I learned a great deal about linking. I manage two websites including and These details are valuable. Thank you for your information. I will definitely use it and share!
Hi Anabel,
Glad that this post was very useful for you. Hoping to see your valuable insights again in this blog. Thanks and have a great time blogging.
Thanks for this post! I always see people discussing the importance of linking but I never fully understood it until now. I think the thing I find most difficult is how exactly page authority works, what is it that makes a page good? Is it the content or strictly the internal linking used? Thank you again for the great post. Helped a lot.
Keiran Potter recently posted…Home is Wherever I Live- My Tips for Moving House
Hi Keiran,
Thanks for your visit and the comment. Links also play an important part to rank a page on google.
Reji Stephenson
Hi Satish,
The great thing about this post is quality information. I always like to read amazingly useful and quality content. Your article is amazing, thank you for sharing this article.
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment here.
Sathish Arumugam recently posted…Grammarly Free Vs Grammarly Premium – It’s Really Worth Buying!
Hi Satish,
Internal linking is another thing to do in SEO. In wordpress, there are many plugin to do that.
Prefer to do it manually. Make sure to have your important links above the fold.
Sathish Arumugam recently posted…Grammarly Free Vs Grammarly Premium – It’s Really Worth Buying!
Hi Satish,
Thanks for sharing this valuable contents. The contents are very useful, helpful and meaning full for as a new blogger as well as for others like me. Keep it up.
Shahab recently posted…Introduction to Port Forwarding
Thank you very much Shahab for your encouraging comment.
Hi Satish,
Wow such a great post and very well written. I would love to read your wonderful articles . Keep sharing them]
Glad that you liked the post and thank you very much for the visit and the comment.
Hi Satish,
Internal linking is a good linking strategy, towards getting higher rankings. It shows how pages are related with the interconnection it brings.
Inioluwa Olaposi
Hi Satish,
Some great tips here. My ranking dropped so much with the Moz updates, and tips like this will really help me to improve it hopefully. Thank you.
Jo Boyne recently posted…How To Make Reusable Sandwich Wraps
Thanks Jo for your visit and the comment.