Categories: Reviews

Power Affiliate Club(PAC) – Review

Successful blogging is always a group activity where we involve in blogging communities, the most recent one I joined is the PAC or Power Affiliate Club. You may never make any success in your online business or blogging without the help of others. Here networking with other bloggers and readers plays a big role in promoting your blog or business. Nobody will realize this fact during the initial stages of their blogging journey. But, in a matter of time they all realize it if they are serious about blogging and soon start joining communities.

If you are into blogging for at least a year, you might be familiar with few communities that promote bloggers and their blogs. Probably, you may be very much active in some communities. Some of you might have left some communities due to lack of time to involve with more communities. I never say any of the blogging community is bad or good as anyone can learn at least few new lessons such online communities.

You may get more traffic from one community. Another community may help you acquire more technical skills with the support of its members. Some other communities may help you getting more products for review in your blog. Now, let’s see what PAC can offer you.

What makes PAC different from other communities?

The most important thing that the PAC is different from other communities is the provision to add your affiliate links to it. Perhaps you may be struggling to get some sales from your affiliate links on your blog. You may be trying different affiliate links in your blog and yet not able to make many sales from it. PAC finds a solution for this by helping each other and buying affiliate products from its members, thereby getting some commission to the members involved. The idea sounds great to me, and I hope that you are also thinking the same way.

Who are the main people behind the community?   

Lesly Federici, an RN turned internet marketing expert runs this wonderful community with the help and support given by Mona Ellithorpe. Mona Ellithorpe is a published author as well as a blogger and marketer. You can go through their blogs on the links given below to know more about them and their work.

Visit Lesly Federici’s blog here, Lesly Federici.

Visit Monna Ellithorpe’s blog here, Monna Ellithorpe.

There is also a panel of expert bloggers that include Donna Merrill, Barry Evans, Joan Harrington and few others. (Pardon me if I am missing any important names here)

What are the benefits you gain by joining PAC?

The members of this community are so approachable for any help and will help you in one way or the other to promote you and your online business.

There are always contests going on in the community like the top author, top member, top commentator and so on. The winners of these contests are promoted by adding their links on the home page of the website so that more members will start commenting and interacting in those blogs of the winners.

Also, the link to our Facebook Fan page will be added to the community website so that there are more interactions in that too from the members.

The home page of the website provides us with a blog rotator. Every time we click on the blog rotator, a new blog will appear so that we can choose some interesting blogs of our choice to read and give your insights on the posts if you like.

I was introduced to this wonderful community by one of my blogging friend and multilingual blogger cum freelance writer from India Mr. Philip Verghese Ariel whom we affectionately call Brother Phil when he invited me from the Facebook Fan page of PAC  and his suggestions seems working well for me.

Options for membership in PAC

There is a free membership as well as paid membership option available for bloggers who to join this community.

The basic (or free membership) option allows you to have the following main benefits.

  1. Two affiliate links can be submitted.
  2. Facebook community activities that increase your activities in your Facebook Fan page too.
  3. Shopping from PAC
  4. Become a top member commentator thereby gain more exposure to your blog.

The paid membership (PAC member) can avail you the following main benefits plus those mentioned in the free membership.You have to pay $3.95 per month for this option.

  1. You can submit an unlimited number of affiliate links from your account.
  2. You can become a PAC expert author if you are capable of creating valuable content.
  3. Access to affiliate school.
  4. Participate in the top author-commentator contest.
  5. Author Spotlight and promotion.
  6. You may get the opportunity to create and teach a workshop.

Visit PAC Facebook Group here, PAC Group.

Visit PAC Facebook Fan page here, Facebook Fan Page.

Visit PAC blog here, PAC Blogger Community.

Please don’t forget to add your valuable comments if you liked the post and decided to join PAC after reading this post. Also, if you find the community useful, please come back and comment about that again.

Thank you very much for spending your precious time with Digitaldimensions4u.






Image courtesy: PAC(screenshots)

Also,read my contribution on PAC as an expert author here:-

How to avoid negative thoughts about your blogging career

© The content is copyrighted to Reji Stephenson and may not be reproduced on other websites.


  • Mr. Reji Stephenson, the founder and editor of this blog is a digital creator based in London. He is an Engineering graduate with post graduate qualifications in Digital marketing. In this blog, he likes to publish contents related to digital marketing, blogging, social media , technology and data analytics. You can follow him on his Instagram link below the post.

    View all posts
Reji Stephenson

Mr. Reji Stephenson, the founder and editor of this blog is a digital creator based in London. He is an Engineering graduate with post graduate qualifications in Digital marketing. In this blog, he likes to publish contents related to digital marketing, blogging, social media , technology and data analytics. You can follow him on his Instagram link below the post.

View Comments

  • Hi Reji,

    What a great review of our PAC Community. We are so happy that you are finding great value and feel comfortable in PAC.

    Helping spread the word goes with our main theme: Members Helping Members / PAC is Powered by Bloggers, Member Driven

    • Hi Monna,

      Thank you very much for your encouraging words. Hoping to see your valuable comments again.

      Have a great day.

      Reji Stephenson

  • Hi Reji,

    What a joy to read your wonderful review.
    You did a wonderful job here for the newbies!

    Yes, though I am there at PAC for some time
    I am still to obtain more information about it
    and thru this review you made that easy.

    I am so thankful to you for the kind mention
    about me and for those encouraging words.
    I am so glad to know that i introduced you
    this amazing community. Good that now
    you come out with and informative review!
    Keep it up my dear friend. I am sure many
    Will come to know about this amazing community
    wherein they can achieve many things!
    As you said the people involved in are really
    good and very co-operative and helpful in
    need of our time spend on these pages.

    I am going to spread the news about this community thru my social networks!
    Good Wishes to you and the Admin Team Members at PAC
    Keep Going!
    ~ Phil

    • Hi Brother Phil,

      Thank you very much for your insights here and great to hear that you liked the review about this wonderful community of bloggers who are there to help each other.

      Sharing the word about this community through social media is a big help you are doing to this community.

      Keep sharing your valuable insights.

      Have a great blogging journey.

      Reji Stephenson

      • Hi Reji,
        Nice to hear from you again. :-)
        Thanks for the quick response to my feedback.
        I wish you the same. :-)
        Come up with new and innovative ideas, writ-ups, and reviews!
        Keep Going!
        All Good Wishes
        For Philipscom
        Philip Ariel

  • Hi Reji,

    You have done a wonderful job describing The Power Affiliate Club aka PAC! Thank you for the mention here...I appreciate it.

    PAC is a place for the new to seasoned blogger and marketer. There is so much going on every day and most of all there is genuine support. People in this community are amazing.

    I've been in many communities before, but never have I had the opportunity that PAC offers. Each day there is something going on. It is a vibrant pace for everyone.


    • Hi Donna,

      Thank you very much for the comments. Every day PAC have something to offer to its member and that is the sign of a growing community. You have more experience with different online communities. So you have a much better understanding than me.

      Keep sharing your valuable insights.

      Have a great day.

      Reji Stephenson

  • Hi Reji,
    What a wonderful post about PAC! I was so surprised and delighted to see this .. It means a lot to us that people are finding value in the PAC community and enjoying being part of it. PAC is what “you” make of it. There are opportunities available for everyone. Very pleased you are happy with us as well to write about PAC. Thank you so much Reji, and welcome as our newest Expert Author … we appreciate you.

    • Hi Lesly,

      Thank you very much for your encouraging words. Also, thanking you for adding me as an expert author in the community.

      Have a great time.

      Reji Stephenson

  • Hi Reji ,

    You did a great job with this review .
    PAC is really a great community all
    members are committed to help each other here.
    I have been with Lesly and Monna before the start
    and can say the intention is really to help others .
    PAC did grow in a short time to something good and helpful
    for bloggers. Thank you for this great review ,
    I am happy to have you in our community.
    Keep spreading good words about our community
    Thank you

    • Hi Erika,

      Good to hear from you and it is interesting that you liked the review. I will keep spreading the word about this community.

      Thank you very much for your encouraging comment.

      Have a great time.

      Reji Stephenson

  • Hi Reji

    Just to endorse what you said - I haven't been a member of PAC for long, but I was immediately made to feel so welcome that I quickly felt at home.

    I've found this a much more responsive group of bloggers than other communities I have joined in the past, so I'm transferring more of my time into PAC simply because I get better results for the time I spend here.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Joy

  • Hi Reji,

    Thanks again for the excellent review on PAC. We love it!
    I did not realize you were brought in my "Brother Phil"
    Now I see you have brought in someone yourself to PAC.
    This is a recognition comment for that with the PAC Rotator.

    • Hi Kathryn,

      Great to see your comment again. Brother Phil introduced me to this community and I introduced few people like Rajeesh Nair. I will keep on trying to add more members to it.

      Thanks and have a great day.

      Reji Stephenson

    • Hi Christine,

      Thank you for your comment here. I agree with you that PAC is unique compared to so many other online communities.

      Have a great blogging journey.

      Reji Stephenson

    • Hi Emi,

      Thanks for visiting the site and for the comment. I agree with you that PAC is all about the members who make all the difference.

      Have a great time.

      Reji Stephenson

  • Hi Reji,
    Visiting you again with the PAC Rotator.
    Your post about PAC is so well done, you should point your friends to it.
    As the welcome coordinator I see that you have brought in quite a few new people.
    Members Helping Members / PAC is Powered by Bloggers, Member Driven.

    • Hi Kathryn,

      Thank you for your visit once again. Definitely, I will try to bring more members to the community in the coming months.

      Have a great time.

      Reji Stephenson

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