Mostly, people believe that content writers are divine beings who have a connection with the muses. They think these writers are very much creative too. In reality, content writing is a relatively simple skill which anyone can become proficient by doing hard work.

Though, many people step back from content writing due to unnecessary fear that they can’t manage to write well in an attractive way. Some of them fear too much about finding the right content for a particular topic. Do you believe in yourself that you can be able to write quality content writing job if given an opportunity? Most people don’t believe in themselves. If you are not able to believe in yourself, actually, you’re making yourself defeated even before you start. Yes, you have to believe in yourself and start thinking that you can be a good content writer by consistent hard work.
In the recent past, content writing has been a kind of hobby for many. But, nowadays, more organisations and businesses are going digital and trying to market themselves digitally which lead to the need and importance of content writers for their needs.Digital companies are hiring content writers in the same way as you pick a Green Gem from the pile. Data Categorisation app can surely be the best illustration which exactly let you earn somewhere between 4 Lakh – 8 Lakh per year just to do what you are best at. Good Luck and make an initiative to write good quality content!
Primarily, you need to implant reading habits. Go through some blogs of your choice, newspapers, reports, Wikipedia and books. It aids you to become more aware of the current affairs. Additionally, it gives you the opportunity to familiarise with different kind of writing styles that are efficacious and which you can integrate with your own writing style.
STEP 2: Be Read to content writing
You need to be always ready for creating fresh and a rich source of content. By saying this we mean, you should have good and creative idea and research resources.Most important is, you must have an aptness for English and be sure that you’re very good at grammar. As per online readability expectations, there will be no chance for any spellings and punctuation error. If you are proficient in your spellings and punctuation, it will help you to write fast and accurate content. If you lack these qualities, you need to put extra effort and hard work to make yourself ready for a prospective career in Content Writing.
No matter you’re writing about what product or which industry, doing consistent research will help you to prepare your content with more ease. Obviously, you need to research the topic thoroughly, but you also need to consider what other writers have been written about this particular topic. Gather as much information you get, and begin writing your topic that content writing job can give.
For keeping yourself filled up with great and creative content ideas, always remain in research mode. As time passes, your quality of writing and the ability to write good content increases as you keep on doing it consistently for a period.
A few pointers are given below for considering:Whenever you get some creative idea, start to write down the ways. No doubt, you could wait for the time you have to execute your idea, but it will help you to build a framework in your mind.
>Whenever you get some creative idea, start to write down the ways. No doubt, you could wait for the time you have to execute your idea, but it will help you to build a framework in your mind.
>When you’re reading/browsing the web, try to gather as much as possible resources for use as a reference material. In fact, you need to be like an owl, always on the search for any minor thing that can help you.
> Use Google+ or Evernote to register your research work. These platforms will assist you to share the research work anytime when needed and also fetch the right inputs.
STEP 4: Begin as content writing
You can call it a no-brainer. Fortify with your creative ideas and concerned information; now you’re absolutely prepared for writing. With no hesitation begin writing. Don’t get afraid; think of it as a simple process. No need to fall yourself into self-depreciation by thinking about what you’re going to write. Just keep on writing until you’ve satisfied with your point.
If possible, then you should turn off all your reminders, close your door and put your phone away from you.Some of the world’s best content writers limit their time for writing. Usually, they write continuously for an hour and then rest. It seems gritty in the beginning, but with regular practice, it’ll assist you to excel in your writing.In the recent days, the count of freelance writers is in millions, and some of these writers are genuinely good and charging very low price. The thing a client considers in you, is what kind of content you can create? Do you come good to the test as per their requirements?

Instead of copying, try to write your content in your own style that will be unique according to your personality. You can also use the tools like Copyscape to check uniqueness of the content.But developing your own style is not your final goal where you consider it’s done. You need to keep on trying your level best for honing your skills.
Here’re some pointers you can walk through:
• Find 3-4 different content writers who have a different style of writing.
• Study what kind of writing and how that writer does it.
• Now try to write some articles. Simulate the style of all your chosen content writers one by one.
• From these options, select the best that was easiest for you to write. If it seems good, make this your own style.
You have maximum 2-3 seconds to tantalise your readers and get them reading. After the tag headline, everything is up to the first sentence.
Never mislead your client. Your headline and first sentence should be kind of that can smoothly give the reader some idea of your main point.
Suggested Read:
Article writing tips for beginners
Content writing tips for bloggers
Content marketing and blogging
• The lead or introduction is the most valuable thing of the writer’s content.
• For shorter articles, the introductory part could be the first paragraph of content. For books, the first chapter could be their leading part. But for most of the contents, it’s the first 100-600 words.Leading part could include:
• Enthralling Story
• Known fact
• Promise of accurate information
Make small paragraphs, short sentences, and simple words, these will make your content more readable. Don’t think to win writing awards.
Simpler and shorter content should be your mantra for better readability.
Make your content as simple as you can.
There could be a lot of misunderstandings about keywords and search engines. You need to be aware of spamming with keywords. It will lessen the value of your content. A well-mannered, rich source of content will be attractive to readers. Just focus on your writing skills and create quality and interesting content.
In the current scenario, every business needs to have its digital presence, and most of the marketing has to be done using digital marketing methods. So, there is always the need for good and quality content creators globally. This is a promising sign for anyone aspiring to be a content writer. If you have a propensity for writing great content, no need to hesitate, just do it. Make yourself confident and start doing it with a positive attitude. With the time, you will become a perfectionist, and your experience will count.
Author Bio:
Maninder Singh, a professional and creative content writer at He is working as a freelancer past four years. He specialises in providing creative taglines for brands and is also good at writing poems.
Image Courtesy:Pixabay
Great article thanks for sharing I appreciate it
Thanks for the visit.
Hi Sahak! thanks for appreciating.
That was a wonderful article. Thanx for sharing!
Thanks for your visit and the comment Sophie!
Hey Sophie! I’m glad to know that my post is informative.
Thanks for sharing these motivating tips,Content should cater to the need of Viewers ,Posting industry Updates can also be Fruitful as staying ahead from others helps.
Thanks for the visit Kirti.
Hello Kirti! Thanks for adding such a good point of posting Industry Updates.
Hi Maninder and Reji,
This post will surely go a long way in helping budding content writers to take up the task more confidently. You have shared great tips that can even be useful for experienced content writers.
Thanks for sharing. Great stuff indeed!
Thanks Ramit for the encouraging words.
Hey Ramit! I’m still in learning mode, but as much experience as I have, I tried to mention the most important and useful points.
Maninder Singh
Hi Reji and Manindar,
Glad to see yet another guest post.
The author presented a well written post on writing, I am sure there are some vital tips to pick for a budding content writer.
The 10 tips are essential to follow to develop a good content.
Yes I fully agree with him that the content should be easy to understand, one need to follow the simple style of writing. I mean to say that even an 8th grade student could follow the language.
Yes, as mentioned, make the content as simple as that so that anyone can understand.
Thanks for sharing.
~ Phil
Hi Philip sir,
Thank you very much for your visit and the valuable insights. Maninder added some useful information regarding how to develop good content. As you mentioned, the content should be easy to understand when it come to the digital world and blogging.
Thanks once again for the visit.
Reji Stephenson
Hi Philip sir,
Thank you very much for your visit and the valuable insights. Maninder added some useful information regarding how to develop good content. Like you mentioned, the content should be easy to understand when it come to the digital world and blogging.
Thanks once again for the visit.
Reji Stephenson
Hello P V Sir, Yes, you’are right. If once people will read your post and understand that clearly, they’ll surely be keen to engage in your future activities.
Maninder Singh
Hi Reji and Maninder,
A great share.
Content Writing is an art, and it comes with experience and writing without taking a pit stop. These days where Digital industry is in its boom, marketing strategies have been completely changed. People are more into the Content Marketing. And it opens many doors for the Content writers.
You have definitely mentioned some awesome points to make writing skills improve. Even a blogger should be an expert in writing engaging content on any kind of topic with an ease.
Hi Navin,
I agree with you that Maninder shared some wonderful tips for improving out content writing abilities. Yes, it can be improved by constant training by writing regularly.
Thanks for the visit and your much valuable comment.
Reji Stephenson