Most people assume image optimization is downloading an image from any stock photo site, upload it on the backend and then insert the image in the page. But it’s not image optimization. It’s a quite old way now. It will only increase the weight of the page which will lead to slowing down the whole site. Remember, the search engine cannot read your images without the Alt. texts. So for that, you should be careful to know what real image optimization is. It’s Image SEO which helps to redirect the traffic in your site with the right Alt. image texts, compression along with other SEO tricks. Without proper image optimization, you are losing an SEO asset which is very much important on the business increase through your website. Here are some SEO tips for image optimization:
1. Name the image appropriately
The first and most important tip is to give a proper name to the image. It’s the search engines that will automatically pop up the images first, which contain the word written in the name of the image. As an example, we can say, if you have an image of butter, a file named ‘Butter.jpeg” it would be found on the search engine easily, rather than if it would be named like ‘xyz.jpeg’.
2. Use detailed alt. Texts
Alt. texts are the image descriptions, which help the search engines to show the image to the readers. If anyhow the image fails to load, it’s the alt text which can make the reader aware that what the text for the image they are supposed to see is. Adding alt. texts to your image also helps your website to get a higher rank on search engines by associating alt. description texts with the images.
Alt text can be written like this;
<img src=”chocolate-1.jpg” alt=”flower”/>
But better Image SEO will be done while written like this:
<img src=”chocolate-1.jpg” alt=” Red Colored Rose with Water Drops on Petals”/>
3. Right File Format
The various types of image formats are getting used by people according to the need. So before downloading any image you have to know the right image format for uploading the images in your website. There are mainly two types of images people are mostly using:
Png. Format – this format has a larger file size with the best quality.
Jpeg. Format – this format has less file size with adjustable image quality. You can adjust the image quality manually.
4.Image Compression
Uploading a heavy file is not at all recommended for your website. So you must be careful about the file size you are uploading on your website. So it is highly recommended to compress the images before uploading. You can do it through some software or any online tools available. But you have to care about the image quality too. Do not compress the image so much that it loses its quality and get pixilated or blurred. According to the survey, it’s shown that image compression can make your website more than 33% faster.
5. Unique and appealing Image Creation
Another important tip is to create a unique image for your website. The stock photos are too boring and are frequently used by other websites too. So it would never give you a chance to stand out with these same images. As an example, we can say, in any business, corporate or consulting firm websites, the smiling businessman image is mostly used. So to kick your website, you need to choose unique but appropriate images.
6.Image Dimensions And Resize
Using the right size of images on your website is another key to generate traffic. It does not just help to provide a professional and classy look to your site, but it also enhances the acceptability of the products or services you are providing through your website. Try to use images in the actual size it needs on the banner or other areas. Neither use larger images as it could make your site heavy nor use smaller images, which can give it a blurry or pixilated look. So the right image dimension is also a crucial part of Image optimization SEO.
7.Mobile-Friendly Images
In the present day, most of the users are using mobile as their prime device to access the internet and websites. So you have to make your website and images user-friendly. So the responsive images can also be proven as one of the best SEO tips.
8. Use Dynamic Graphics Where needed.
Many websites nowadays are using vector graphics to give their site a fresh and unique look and feel. The advantage of a vector graphic is you can make it your style a brand-related. Creating a vector design is though time-consuming but it affects more. It not only reflects the branding and customization according to the site but also will help to attract a large number of visitors on your website.
9. Add Images On Sitemap
You must put your images in the sitemap, whether you are updating your images to the sitemap or creating an existing one. It increases the chances to put the images on the top in search engines. These will increase the traffic to your website.
10. Schema markup Is Very Much Useful
If you know how to use Google search engine accurately, there are many options that lead to a fantastic Image SEO. Schema markup is the text badges under the link of an article showing as the Google search result. It helps a great to improve the SEO of a site and generates traffic. Generally, recipe products and video images and sites have this kind of markups. But if you don’t have this kind of contents then you can easily skip this markup.
Though image SEO is a complex thing I’m sure after going through this article you can easily make your SEO without hiring a team or spending a single penny on it! Now you can increase the website traffic and put it at the top of the search list through the image optimization process.
Author Bio:-

Rahul Roy is an enthusiastic writer of submitcube whose fields of expertise could be summed up in digital marketing, branding, and Social media-related topics. He enjoys meeting new people and reading more books, also sharing his knowledge to help the businesses growing smoothly.
Featured Image Courtesy: Pixabay
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Thanks for sharing Rahul!
This is a pretty thorough outline of optimizing images. Its amazing how many people think having an image is optimized for SEO?
Another issue I see a lot is using image compression plugins not working. Most of these don’t work for images within a content element, so people editing the image size in the media center, don’t see any change on site.
Neil Teasdale recently posted…Benefits of Online Reputation Management & Marketing Software
Thanks Neil for your visit and the comment
Wow! Sir
This is very helpful idea for all blogger. I am starting blogging so it’s good way for me. Thanks for sharing this knowledge article.
Thanks for your visit and the comment.
Great post with compelling picture SEO tips. I truly like your post and genuinely like the tips that you have recommended, while all the proposed tips are powerful, functions admirably and unquestionably helps to create more traffic.
The picture assumes an essential job for our site, As including a charming picture to the site assists with connecting more perusers, individuals and furthermore creates more traffic. What’s more, we realize that creating more traffic will be an incredible assistance for any site and will likewise improve its positioning. Naming the picture appropriately and utilizing point by point alt. messages truly implies a ton and an accommodating tip. Picking the correct record configuration and packing the picture is likewise indispensable and fundamental. Counting one of a kind and appealing picture is an incredible method to connect more perusers. Also, in the event that we need to build the peruser’s commitment, at that point, it is extremely fundamental to make a one of a kind and
charming picture. Picture measurements and size of a picture likewise matters a ton, henceforth it is additionally vital to alter a picture size. Utilizing a versatile cordial picture on the site will be useful.
This post will help a few people and perusers to create more traffic. Your all the included tips are powerful and function admirably however I really like utilizing versatile well disposed of pictures, making novel and engaging pictures, naming the picture appropriately and picture pressure.
Thanks, Kevin for your visit and the value-added comment.
Great SEO tips! Especially the schema markup one. Thanks!
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