Categories: Blogging

Top nine reasons why you should attend a blogger’s meet

Blogging is not complete without networking with fellow bloggers. I would say that you can’t be a blogger without networking with fellow bloggers.Blogger’s conferences are becoming more and more popular in the recent years as the number of new bloggers kept increasing day by day.

I realised the importance of bloggers conference when I attended one recently, and here are the reasons why you should attend such conference regularly.

#Meeting new people

By attending such meets, you will get in touch with people from different walks of life and culture. Even though you may be in touch with your fellow bloggers through social media, it is entirely a different experience to see them in real life. You may get to know more about someone from a popular blog. Through a blogger’s meet, I got the opportunity to meet Matt Brown from, which is a popular blog with a page view of 2.5 million per month.

#Escape from the boredom of working alone

Many of the bloggers feel bored of what they do at some point in their life. It is not because of the reason that they don’t like what they do. The main reason is the boredom of working alone and most of the time working from home. Attending a bloggers conference will give you a feeling of relief from such boredom when interact with others having the same feeling.

#Establish yourself as an authority

If you are a knowledgeable speaker, you will have the opportunity to show your skills and knowledge to an audience interested in hearing what you say and what you suggest. It may help you to establish yourself as an authority.

#Expose yourself and your blog to more people

When you talk with more bloggers, they try to find out your blog, as well as your social media profiles. It may lead to more exposure to your blog as well as for you.

#Chances of getting hired for a new job or start a new business venture

When you attend a blogging conference, there are chances that you may come to know about some social media influencers as well as other such personalities. You may get in touch with people who can help you land with a new career opportunity or start a new business venture.

#Improve your knowledge

All successful bloggers need to update their knowledge and skills in order to maintain the quality of contents they provide.
You may get valuable information and tips from other bloggers that make your blogging life easier than before.

#Gaining more confidence in your ability

You will gain more self-confidence to continue your blogging journey when you hear the experience of more successful and experienced bloggers. Their success stories and tips will influence your way of thinking and attitude.

#Motivate yourself as a blogger

You might have started your blogging journey with full of enthusiasm and interest. Do you have the same enthusiasm now? I bet some of you are not having that same motivation and inspiration once you had. If you are undergoing a similar situation, it is good for you to attend a blogger’s meet that may motivate you to go forward.

Do read :- How to make money from different niches of blogging.

#Build a new community

Are you a good organiser? Do you have the spare time to manage and co-ordinate a community of bloggers? If your answer is ‘Yes’, there is a possibility that you may start thinking of starting a community of like-minded bloggers. Building a community of bloggers may lead you to achieve more success as a professional blogger.

Bottom line

If you would like to be a professional blogger, make sure that you make it a habit of attending bloggers conference regularly for attaining more success as a professional blogger. Thank you very much for spending your precious time with Digital Dimensions. Don’t forget to have your views about bloggers conference in the comments column. Have a great day.

©2015Digital Dimensions.The content is copyrighted to Reji Stephenson and may not be reproduced on other websites.


  • Mr. Reji Stephenson, the founder and editor of this blog is a digital creator based in London. He is an Engineering graduate with post graduate qualifications in Digital marketing. In this blog, he likes to publish contents related to digital marketing, blogging, social media , technology and data analytics. You can follow him on his Instagram link below the post.

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Reji Stephenson

Mr. Reji Stephenson, the founder and editor of this blog is a digital creator based in London. He is an Engineering graduate with post graduate qualifications in Digital marketing. In this blog, he likes to publish contents related to digital marketing, blogging, social media , technology and data analytics. You can follow him on his Instagram link below the post.

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  • Dear Reji ,
    After reading this post I have been inspired to write
    a post in my blog related to the blog meet etc .I
    have also added your link & name in my new post .
    ആഗോള ബൂലോഗരെ ഇതിലെ ഇതിലേ ... ! / Agola Boologare..

    • Dear friend,

      Good to hear from that you have been inspired to write a post related to bloggers meet. Thank you very much for adding my name and link in the post.


      Reji Stephenson

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