Train yourself to be a better writer with Writers Bureau courses
Are you not confident enough to write articles? Do you think that the readers may find your writings are not up to the mark? If you think that way, this post is a must read for you where I am sharing my personal experience with Writers Bureau courses.
Yes, I am talking about gaining confidence as a writer. Let’s see it from a blogger’s point of view. If you analyse the background of most of the bloggers, you can see that there are two kinds of bloggers are there in the online world. Some of them are talented writers who have an interest in writing. We can even say that they are the real writers.
Now, let me discuss the second category of bloggers. Those are people like me. They may not have a background in writing. Still, they might have got interested in blogging and hence become proficient in writing as they cultivate the habit of regularly writing in their blog.
If you belong to the category that I first mentioned, you may not need to worry much about your writing. Then you will be in a position to judge your writing and will have the confidence to show your writings to any audience. You may not be worrying too much about your critics.
What if you belong to the second category that I mentioned here? I am damn sure that you may not have the confidence to write an article or to run a blog for Writers Bureau courses. Your mind may be filled with negative thoughts. What others will think about your writing? Do they make fun of you? These type of questions will demotivate your mind, and you start thinking of abandoning your already started blog or not to start a blog.
From my personal experiences, I can say that there are so many people who have the skills for writing, but they never try a hand in writing as they don’t have the much-needed confidence.
The best thing you can do is to do some online courses that help you polish your writing skills and acquire the much-needed confidence to write. But, here comes the real problem. Which course to choose from thousands of such courses available on the internet. If you are a beginner blogger, it is better to search for those free courses available hence keeping your budget under control.
Now, let me share what give me the confidence to start writing this blog. I hope it may inspire at least few newbie bloggers to take some steps in life to attain confidence as a writer in their chosen field.
I started this blog very accidently after joining a Creative Writing Course from Writer’s Bureau. I was not able to complete the full course due to the limited time I get after my day time job and other family commitments. Still I can assure you that the confidence I gained from whatever I studied so far from the course gave me the full confidence to start this blog.
The topics from the comprehensive creative writing course from Writer’s Bureau gave me a rough idea on various aspects of writing. Thus, providing me with enough confidence to start a career in writing. The modules covered in this course consists of the following topics that contain valuable lessons to boost the confidence of anyone who is thinking of starting a career in freelance writing.
1. Introduction
2. Making a writer out of you
3. Developing your style
4. How to develop your writer’s craft
5. How to sell your writing
6. Presenting your work
7. Essential legal aspects
8. How to write readers’ letters and fillers
9. Articles for women’s and men’s magazines
10. How to write general interest articles
11. Travel writing
12. Writing for the trade press
13. Writing for children’s and Teenage Publications.
14. How to write humorous articles
15. Religious and inspirational writing
16. Writing reviews
17. On the editor’s desk
18. Journalism
19. The planning and preparation of non-fiction books
20. Profit from your photography
21. Writing a novel preparation
22. Writing a novel plotting
23. Characterisation and dialogue
24. Setting and atmosphere, Revising and selling your novel
25. Writing specialist fiction
26. Writing the short story
27. Short stories for radio
28. Writing radio drama
29. Writing for television
30. Writing for the stage
If you would like to know more about Writer’s Bureau, continue reading.
According to Writer’s Bureau website, it can be noted the Institute was founded in 1931and later developed into its current form by 1989. It is a distance learning college running creative writing courses for its students. It has the reputation of giving quality training and help to lakhs of people worldwide for the last twenty-two years in the field of writing.
The writers bureau focus on helping their students attain the required standard that is much-needed for publishing their writings and hence making money out of it.There are no formal qualifications or age criteria required to join this course. Anyone who has the interest to learn is eligible for joining the courses.
Once you enroll for a course, they will send you the course pack that you can also access online. Also, you will be assigned a tutor who checks your assignments and provides feedback. Your tutors will be qualified writers who can guide you to make improvements in your writing. Anyone from any part of the world can join the course as the medium of communication between the student, and the tutor is through e-mail.
Regarding the fees structure, I can assure you that the charges are affordable and worthy if you are living in U.K considering the benefits you can gain from it.
Apart from Comprehensive Creative Writing course, they also provide various other short courses that are listed below.
1. Proofreading and Copy Editing Course
2. The Complete Copywriter Course
3. Freelance Journalism Course
4. Writing for Children Course
5. Novel and Short Story Writing Course
6. Non-Fiction Writing Course
7. Fiction Writing Course
8. Article Writing Course
9. How to Write for Competitions and Win! Course
10. Biographies, Memoirs and Family Histories Writing Course
11.The Art of Writing Poetry Course
12. Writing for Profit using the Internet Course
13. How to Market Your Book Course
If you are very new to writing, it is better to do the Comprehensive Creative Writing Course as it will provide you with more basic ideas about different styles of writing. The short courses work well for those people who are actually in the field of writing and like to enhance the skills in a particular field of writing.
If Writers Bureau changed my life for becoming a successful blogger, it might change your life too by enhancing your writing skills with the help of their courses.
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View Comments
Hi Reji,
Your post 'Train yourself to be a better writer with Writers Bureau courses' was a good enough review of the course that I clicked on your link. Looks like a serious endeavor for people who're serious about becoming a better writer.
Thank you,
Hi Edward,
Happy to see you again and thank you very much for your positive comment. As you mentioned, it is a serious endeavor for those who are really serious about making a career in writing.
Looking forward to see your comments again.
Have a great Christmas time.
Reji Stephenson
Hi Reji
A great review of the “Train yourself to be a better writer with Writers Bureau courses”
It seems to be a great source for the people who are genuinely interested in writing and want to pursue it as a career.
Have a nice day!
Hi Sonal,
Thank you for your visit and the comment. Regarding Writers Bureau, it is one of the best home based study course available in U.K. Also, the course can be done from any part of the world.
Like you mentioned, these courses are helpful for those who are very serious in having a career in writing.
Hoping to see your comments again.
Have a great day.
Reji Stephenson
Hi Reji,
Good inspiration for anyone struggling with writing issues. I was not familiar with the Writers Bureau, but it sure seems to have all the ingredients you need for getting your writing in order.
One of the big problems people face is the "blank page" also called "writer's block."
When you work through a program like this, you have specific guidelines and directions to keep you moving instead of worrying about what to do next
I'll share this information with some folks I know will be happy to learn about it.
Hi Donna,
Nice to hear from you again and glad to know that you came to know about 'Writer's Bureau' course from this post. Yes, I agree with your point that there are specific guidelines to follow when doing a course like this.
Once again thanks for your comment and the helpful mentality to share this information with others.
Keep sharing your insights.
Have a good and prosperous 2016.
Reji Stephenson
Hello Reji Stephenson,
Good to know about the Writers Bureau courses. I didn't know about such course. Even had no idea if there any kinda bureau exists. This post is surely going to be a life saver for those, who struggle with their writing and see their future into the same.
Nice write-up, well explained. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Sonam,
Glad to see your comment here for the first time and welcome to this blog. Regarding Writer's Bureau courses, I can say that these courses are really good for those people who are seriously thinking of improving their prospects as a freelance writer.
I just had a visit to your website and find it very informative. I will definitely come back again to read more posts soon.
Keep sharing your valuable insights.
Thanks and regards
Reji Stephenson
Have a happy and prosperous 2016.