
Using the Hosts File to Improve Internet Browsing Experience

Whenever you connect your device online, it creates an IP address. This address lets people identify the gadget and its location. A Hosts file is what connects each IP address with the corresponding domain name. It acts as the central database for all IP addresses. The file is simply a text file that shows the mapping for IPs and domain names. You can edit and save Hosts files to improve your browsing experience. It allows you to block some websites, add a custom domain or access blocked sites. The host file allows you to customize your online browsing experience.

What does a Hosts file do?

To understand what a Hosts file does, it is necessary to understand some important terms. The standard internet people use today was established in 1983. It is defined as a large network connecting devices globally. People use browsers to connect to the internet. Whenever they need to connect to a website, the browser uses a domain name to identify that website. 

The system that interconnects all domain names is the domain name system/server (DNS). More often, people use a DNS optimizer to find the fastest and most reliable DNS. The DNS optimizer quickly changes domain names into IPs. This minimizes the connection time and improves the browsing experience. In the past, multiple IPs would be created to connect to different DNS.

Both Windows and macOS have a Hosts file and you can edit them. The Hosts file format in each has a significant difference. You must understand how to access Hosts file in different operating systems. Mac Hosts file is found in the /etc/hosts folder. If you want to edit the file, you must first launch the Mac Terminal app. Under Terminal, open Finder and then open Go. Scroll down to the Utilities folder and type the command sudo nano /etc/hosts. This command displays different IP addresses and domain names. You can edit the existing file and overwrite its details. Editing allows you to clock specific websites, allow others, or change their data. 

In the past, IPs would create multiple pages each for one domain name/website. Hosts file was later introduced to offer a better browsing experience. Instead of creating a different page for each IP, the Hosts file creates a centralized place for hosting all IPs. Whenever you open the file, you can view a list of all IPs and domain names you are connected to.

How can you have a safe browsing experience using the hosts file?

If you are worried about malicious websites and intruders, a hosts file can help you block them. You can effectively block phishing websites, adware, and malware. Using hosts file eliminates the need for using plugins or extensions to block websites. You just need to map the domain names. change them using the loopback address 127.0.01.

Accelerate your website access speed

The configuration of the domain name system/server (DNS) often affects speed. If it contains a heavy load or is slow, you may experience delays in connection. You can use your hosts file to increase the connection speed. Open the file and identify the websites that you visit often. 

You may also identify the site that you want to access quickly. Add the URL of the website to its corresponding IP address in the file. This action bypasses the DNS lookup procedure. Your website gets loaded quickly and saves you a lot of time. 

Keep off tracking apps and ads

Some websites contain cookies that track your online behaviour. They send information about you including your IP and personal details. Ads can also be annoying and intrusive. you can modify the hosts file to block both the trackers and ads sites. Edit the file to redirect the sites to the loopback address. It helps you prevent them from sending information to and from their servers. 

Unblock blocked websites

If you are in a place or country where you cannot access some websites, the hosts file can help you access them. You only need to map the domain name and its IP. This bypasses filtering on the firewall or other filters. 

How to access hosts file and modify it

Access to the file depends on the hosts file format and the operating system. Here is the procedure for Mac and Windows.


  • Access the Mac Terminal and type the command ‘sudo nano / private/etc/hosts.’
  • Key in your password once prompted
  • For each entry, add your personalized mapping. Follow this format ‘IP_address domain_name
  • Exit with Ctrl + X. Press Y to confirm. Press Enter to save.
  • Type ‘sudo killall -HUP mDNSResonder’ in the Terminal to replace the initial format. The changes take effect once you restart the computer.


  • Open Notepad and scroll to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc’.
  • Check the files and select the icon ‘hosts’
  • Add your personalized mapping file. Follow this format – IP_address domain_name
  • Select Save. The changes take effect once you restart the computer.


A Hosts file allows you to personalize your browsing in many ways. You can use the file to open blocked websites or block others. The files allow you to boost access speed by saving websites in the local file. It is useful when you need to increase your privacy and security. It prevents cookie files from sending your data to third parties. You can use it to block phishing and malware files. 

Image Credit : Unsplash


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