Vlogging is a blossoming trend. It has taken over the internet by storm in the past few years. It has become such popular that Cisco assumes that by 2017 and years after that vlog content will take over sixty-nine percent of the web content. This prediction is actually coming to fruition.
Vlog has become the richest source of information, knowledge, as well as internet entertainment. If you want to understand the popularity of vlogs, just Google it and you will be amazed that many people prefer to source information through video content than any other thing else. This goes to prove the findings from various studies that more people prefer to sit down and watch videos than to read five hundred to six hundred words blog posts and so on.
The reason for the popularity of vlogs is not farfetched. Videos catch people’s eyes and attention. Moreover, it is easier to watch videos, than to read blog content. Because of that, vlogs will gain more traction and can reach more people.
Vlogging is relatively new, and it offers opportunities for internet marketers to promote their goods and services. Chances are there that your niche competitors are not using vlogging, and because of that, it will put you ahead of your competitors. Because of your vlog, your business will become a trendsetter, and with the correct approach, it could stand your business out among several other competitors.
Vlog entries combine video links with images, texts, as well as different Metadata information.
Vlog categories are available on different channels, and the most popular among them is YouTube. Many other channels have sprung up in recent years. Such videos have more chances of being distributed, meaning that vloggers can take full benefit of web syndications using RSS feeds, Atom, and other syndication formats. You can watch your vlog on the go using various devices like laptops, computers, smartphones, and other devices.
Internet marketers prefer video marketing because it has more chance of going viral. Even as a blogger, you can actually combine your blogs with a vlog. Within a short time, it is possible that vlogging could take over from blogging. If you have not started a vlog yet, it is the right time now to start one before you are too late with your competitors. You have to join the trend.
There are no difficulties for you to start. Vlog technologies are readily available for you. These tools are not only available, but they are also becoming cheaper as well. With time, more of these techniques will be available.
With the speed vlog is moving, it is a matter of time before it overcomes the blog. Cisco quoted earlier has predicted that from 2017 and onwards, vlogs will constitute more than half of web content. The reason for this is the vlog visual effect. It passes information better than a blog.
Vlogs will outshine blogging in the future for the following reasons:
It is easier to create vlog content than blog content. This is possible because of various tools at the disposal of video creators such as iMovie, QuickTime, Windows Movie Maker, and other software. All these make it easier for anybody to create vlog content. Even if you were a novice, these tools could help you. This is not the case with a blog; you must be knowledgeable enough before you can create blog content.
Secondly, vlogging can work with blogging. It involves almost the same thing such as sharing experiences, sharing information, as well as offering some useful advice, and so on. The only differences. The vlog format is better because web visitors can actually watch the information in a video. Within a short time, your message might go viral.
Vlog is free. It is a question of creating a free YouTube account. With several free recording, editing, and uploading tools available, you can create as many videos as you like and upload them to your free YouTube account.
It is possible that if you use the right promotional techniques your YouTube can witness thousands of subscribers.
Most importantly, vlogging can be integrated with social media marketing. Your social media contacts and friends will like it because they will have a better opinion of your products and services.
Also Read:-Top U.K Vloggers worth following
It is a good idea to combine your vlog and your blog. If you do not have vlog account, you should not waste time in creating one. If you want to attract large numbers of visitors to your blog, then you have to combine the two. Whether you are an amateur or a professional, the combination can make a great difference.
It is common to see many internet marketers leveraging on this unique opportunity.
If you do it with a proper business plan by choosing a profitable niche of your interest, it may turn out to be a money-making opportunity as you can integrate your blog and vlog with your social media accounts to create the type of attention and exposure your business deserves.
Vlog is easier than blogging. All you need to get started is the right equipment such as cameras. These days with your smartphone, you can make fantastic videos about your products and services and share them online.
Vlog is more engaging than a blog. Videos attract audience and viewer’s attention faster than blogs can do. Many internet users watch videos rather than spend time reading articles when they are busy. Because of that, many of them prefer to spend time with a vlog instead of a blog. Vlog is a great way to attract web visitors to your channels and websites.
Starting a Vlog is much easier than starting a blog if you have adequate presentation skills and knowledge in the niche you have chosen. It only involves creating professional video content. Several free tools are available that can help you.
If you produce text or blogs, it may not receive large traffic, but this is not the case with video content. Once the video is interesting, it can attract large numbers of followers. It does not matter whether you have passive content or active video content; it has the capacity to increase your customer base.
Furthermore, vlogging can actually differentiate you from the crowd more than blogs can. As many people are learning about it, especially in the corporate world, if you make it a norm, it can actually make a difference that eventually makes you stand out from the rest of your competitors.
Most importantly, many people prefer vlogs to blogs because they can serve as a visual aid. If you want to teach other people about your products and services, the best way to do that is through vlog. Even stark illiterates can learn after watching the video, but you must be literate enough before you can read and understand blog content.
Furthermore, a vlog can increase your search engine ranking more than a blog. This is the case for those who vlog on YouTube. YouTube videos can actually make your site rank very high on the search engine. Now that Google has bought YouTube, you are going to benefit more from your business as there is more chance of coming up on the Google ranking.
If you want other people to gather information about your services or products, the best way to go about it is through vlogging.
Because of the visual appeal of vlogs, they can actually assist you to establish a deep connection between you and your site visitors. If you have a business or service you want to market online, the best way to market it is by making a video of the product or service. This is because a video has a special appeal to your audience and makes them emotional about your products. It has the capacity to establish a healthy relationship with your prospective customers and your business or service.
Researchers have shown that at least sixty-five percent of customers are more likely to buy a product when they access information through video than through blogs.
Vlogs will increase your sales volume and increase traffic as well. Video information creates more effective because it goes viral within the shortest possible time than blogs. It can achieve better results when you share such information on social websites like Twitter, Facebook, and others.
Furthermore, it can lead to your brand’s global recognition. This is because many people will understand videos when they see it, and this is not the same with blogs which can be understood by people who are familiar with the language such blogs are presented.
Vlog production is faster, easier, and cheaper than blog creation. You do not need to become an expert before you create your vlog content. A high-quality production can actually make a great difference, and you can leap that benefit for a very long time.
The best way to train, demonstrate, and educate others about your product and service is by vlog. You can do that with a blog, but a vlog will prove to be more effective. You require this service when you want to educate other people about the products and services you offer to your clients. It is indispensable for any creator of goods, or services.
Furthermore, if there is any question about the products that you want to be answered, presenting a video about it is the best way to answer such a question. It answers the questions better than blogs can do. Every viewer will understand what he saw and can easily demonstrate it afterward. If you want your brand out from the crowd, you need a vlog. It can be more efficient than a blog.
Furthermore, a video release of a product is the most effective way of demonstrating such a product so that many people will know about it. It is the best teacher, and many people will learn more and become convinced after watching your video. You need a vlog more than you need a blog.
Also Read:-Top Must-Watch Vloggers from India
When Cisco reports that more than sixty percent of web content will be in video format, it means that more internet users will be vloggers. Vlogging is the latest trend in internet marketing, and it can become a full-time profession. Many people who enjoy using the camera and producing videos online will testify that they do nothing else other than vlogging. It is becoming an exciting career, and many people from different parts of the world are relying on it for their livelihood. It is not difficult as you think. With helpful resources available, you will not find it difficult to start. With time, you will become perfect.
There are different ways to earn money as a vlogger. You can engage in that service full-time as a professional Vlogger.
Perhaps the best way to start as a professional is to vlog for a company. You can derive from that many benefits. The first is that the company that employs you will be paying you for your services. Many companies leverage on that to promote their brand across the globe. If you are a professional, it means that you can actually work for companies that need such services and many companies are engaging the services of professional vloggers. Many companies now know that vlogging can increase their ROI, and that is why they are engaging the services of professionals to do that service for them.
Besides, you can work for yourself and earn money through vlogging. If you are a starter and you want to work for yourself, it is a great way to start. You can combine vlogging and other internet marketing methods to promote your goods and services across the globe. It may not be easy at first as said earlier, but if you work harder, you can succeed. The benefit here is that you can actually combine it with other internet marketing techniques. The sky is the limit on the level of success you are going to achieve at the end.
To do it for yourself, you need to develop your niche and produce professional videos about it. Moreover, you have to know about the various technologies involved. The most important thing here is to master how to use those technologies. This can help you to master the art very well.
You can combine vlogs with social media. The benefits of that were already explained. Professionals can combine it with social media and achieve a good result within the shortest possible time. With the right tool and resources, you can make as many videos as you like, and edit it using the editing tools at your disposal. Some of these tools are free while others are premium tools. You can make your choice based on the type of result you want to achieve.
It is not difficult to start a Vlog. Starting a vlog is not different from other things you do on the internet. It is a matter of using the right resources and the right tools to get started.
The first thing you need to do is to do your research and search for the best niche you are interested in and begin to vlog about it. The most important thing is that it must be something of interest and something you have a passion for. Because of your interest and passion for your niche, you can make as many videos of it as possible, because the zeal will never die. If you figure out the category you want, you can begin to vlog on the category. There are several niches and categories out there that you can begin today. You can develop an idea yourself and begin to work on the idea you have developed.
Moreover, a vlog is like a blog; you have to be updating or providing fresh videos as much as possible. The first thing that you have to do is to have your schedule and begin to work on that schedule. Ensure that you update your vlog with fresh content as much as possible. The success secret here is that visitors will always find something of interest and be excited anytime they come.
Choose your format. Because you are using a camera, you have to think of the best camera that can deliver the type of results you want. There are different cameras out there, read reviews about each of them and choose only those that produce the type of result you want. Apart from that, you have to consider the type of format you want, and many online resources can help you with those formats. It means that you can consider the various formats out there and choose those that are appealing to you and which can deliver the type of results you want to achieve.
Vlogging is not the same thing as blogging. You do not need to put down scripts to promote your goods and services. Your video speaks for you. Make the videos as attractive as possible. Keep such videos short as much as you can. This is the best way you can achieve the type of results you are looking out for. If you can have a vlog of 15 minutes, it is good. It can put forward the message you want without boring your audience. The most important thing here is to be as concise as possible. Mobility and quality are very important, and the best way to go about it is to choose DSLR cameras and so on.
Editing is equally important, and because of that, you have to look for the perfect editing solution. There are different editing tools out there that you can use, and some of them are free. Choose the best you want, but you can achieve a better result if you use a premium service.
There are different kinds of vlogs. It is a matter of having a niche and working on your niche. It can be about anything that interests you such as music, cooking, health, fashion, games, sport, moneymaking opportunities, and so on.
If there is anything on earth that you can blog on, chances are there that you can vlog about it as well. There is no limit to what you can vlog on, and the opportunities are expanding. With the right resources and tools, the sky is your limit.
Ensure that your vlog is updated. The rule is that anybody coming to your vlog should find something very interesting. If possible, you can introduce something new to the vlog daily; it is a good idea because it can help your site rank higher. You can launch new content as frequently as you can.
Already several vloggers are counting their fortunes by millions of dollars. Thousands of vloggers are earning a substantial amount of money today, and many of them are found on YouTube. Some of the top earners in the world are the following:
One of the top earners is a vlogger called Felix Kjellberg. He is a Swedish, and he is popular for gaming. It is estimated that he has earned more than fifteen million dollars through vlogging. He was one of the top earners a few years ago. He was just twenty-seven years old.
The second top earner is Roman Atwood. The man has earned more than ten million dollars from YouTube vlog. He ranked top as the most paid prankster.
The third earner is a woman called Lily Singh. She is from Canada. She has more than one billion viewers on YouTube, and she is a multi-millionaire courtesy of vlog.
SMOSH group is the fourth topmost earners as of a few years back. The team comprises of Anthony Padilla and Andrew Hecox. They have earned more than seven million dollars.
The fifth is Tyler Oakley. He has earned more than six million dollars from vlog, and he is very popular on YouTube. He is one of the examples many people want to emulate.
Are you a planning to become a Vlogger soon? Are you a blogger and still likes to start a Vlog alongside your blog? Please let us know your opinions in the comments column below the post.
Have a nice day.
Image Courtesy: Pixabay
© 2018 Digitaldimensions4u.com The content is copyrighted to Reji Stephenson and may not be reproduced on other websites.
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View Comments
Hi Reji,
Very nice post, you shared very useful information for what I am looking for. I got more and better information from you in just a few minutes, keep up the good work.
Shanni Rathour
Hi Shanni,
Thanks for the visit and the comment.
Reji Stephenson
Hey Reji
You have nicely narrated many good points in this post. Thanks for the great share. I am encouraged a bit more now to start a vlog.
Thank you again Reji
Thanks Richy for the visit and the comment.
Hi Reji,
You are right that these days people are moving towards Vlogging as it is a good platform to earn some good amount.
Thanks for the sharing this amazing post.
And keep up the good work.
Hi Robin,
Happy to see your comments again on this blog. Vlogging is going to be the biggest trend for the coming years. This is the right time we need to think about starting a Vlog alongside our blogs to attract more audience.
Thanks once again for the visit.
Best regards
Reji Stephenson
I think it depends on your audience and type of content. Most vloggers are between the age of 16 - 34. The topics range from making money to gaming. They are also very competitive. This does not mean it's impossible, it means that your niche should really be thought about.
Thanks for the visit. I totally agree with your points mentioned on the comment.
Very interesting article, I really appreciate your article, Thanks for sharing.
I believe vlogging is one of the only untapped resources in digital marketing. For me, whenever I want to learn something like cooking or figuring out the software, my first search is Google because I am a visual learner.
And yes, I think the best approach is the combination of both. A vlog embedded inside a normal blog. This way we can dig deeper into the weeds within the content while still making a concise answer through the blog.
Thanks for sharing. Definitely will start implementing more vlogging to my own blog.
Thank you very much for the visit and your valuable insights.
Amazing Article!
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Thank you, Rehan for your visit and the comment.
Hi Reji,
Thank you very much for posting such a piece of wonderful information on how to start vlog in 2020, it was a very useful post shared by you, appreciate your efforts behind this post.
Thank you Rakshith for your visit and the comment.
Hi Reji,
Vlogs are becoming more and more popular and are a great way of engaging with users.
Thanks, Obsidian for your visit and the comment.
Hi Reji,
You are right that these days people are moving towards Vlogging as it is a good platform to earn some good amount.
Thanks for sharing this amazing post.
And keep up the good work.
Hi Friend,
Thank you very much for your visit and the encouraging comment. Hoping to see you again.
Reji Stephenson