Marketing your product or service is a must for any type of business however small or big. Even though, most businesses are promoted using online marketing strategies, you cannot neglect the usage of traditional methods of marketing, especially when your business is in the starting stage. This article describes various traditional as well as online marketing methods that can be utilised for the promotion of any type of business. From the list given below, you are at liberty to select a few marketing ideas that seems suitable for your business.
This strategy seems to be an expensive one. If your business is in the starting stage, you may not have the sufficient funds available to make payments for your advertisement. Even buying a bit of a small space in the advertisement column may be a costly affair. Sometimes it may be worth spending some amount for such advertisement, especially in the starting stage.
Even this method of marketing seems to be a costly affair for a business just started on low cost. A better option for anyone to follow is to research and find out whether there are any newspapers or magazines that provide you with the facility of advertising for free. If you are living in a big city, this possibility may be available. These type of publications make profit just by selling it at reasonable price and they don’t charge frompeople who want to put their ad on the advertisement column.
This method is also one of the effective ways of marketing a small business. Flyering may help your business getting exposed to the immediate vicinity where you are trying to establish it.
Putting up posters in a shop window is an ideal way to market your business. For example, if you are running a small business teaching Mathematics to small children, it would be a good idea to put up a poster in your nearby shop. This will definitely help you getting more students.
Make it a point to distribute your business card to as much as people as possible. If you attend a church regularly, it is a good idea to give your business card to some of the members there. Also, try to circulate some leaflet that contains more details regarding your business.
If you use a vehicle displaying the brand name of your business on it, the possibility of more clients contacting you through contact details displayed along with your brand name is more as it makes your details visible to more people on a daily basis rather than seeing it once or twice in a magazine or newspaper and forget.
Although this is considered to be an outdated version of marketing due to the emergence of internet marketing, the importance of using this method for small business cannot be neglected.
Nowadays only few people use business directories in the traditional booklet form while most of them access online business directories using portable gadgets. So it is not a bad idea to have your business listed in many numbers of business directories as possible.
When you do any kind of business, it is important to have a network with a lot of people within your immediate area of operation. If it is possible for you to arrange an event where you can talk about your business to a group of people, it will enhance your business prospects.
10. E-mail marketing
Even e-mail marketing seems to be a traditional method due to the emergence of Social media platforms as most businesses are now trying to enhance their online presence through social media sites. Stille-mail marketing is a good strategy anyone can choose as it is one of the cost-effective method you can find especially when your budget for promotion is less.
More and more people are becoming part of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. It seems like we are moving towards an era where social media is part of everyday life and hence no need to say that it is one important platform that helps you market your business.
Nowadays business websites are very common for all type of business including small scale ones. These businesses are trying to attract more customers to their websites through search engine optimization techniques. So trying to implement better search engine optimization
techniques is a must for your business to flourish. It may help you save some money if you try to implement SEO techniques by your own instead of recruiting someone to do that for you. It won’t be that difficult to understand SEO techniques even though you are not an expert in technical aspects
If you find this article useful, please let me know in your comments. Suggestions and new ideas are most welcome so that I can come out with more posts.
Image Source:Pixabay
©2014Digital Dimensions. The content is copyrighted to Reji Stephenson and may not be reproduced on other websites.
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There are some good ideas here. Also, thank you for the follow.
You are most welcome.