
26 Niche ideas for starting a blog

If you have a passion in a particular subject or if you have vast experience in a particular area, it becomes easy to find a niche for your blog. I wrote this article to help every new blogger who find it hard to find a niche for their blog. In this article, I am sharing twenty-six niche ideas from which you may be able to identify one topic that suits you most to start a blog. If you carefully go through this article and compare your skills and knowledge in each topic, you may be able to find an idea about the type of niche that suits you best for starting a blog.


If you are working in a software industry or studying any subject related to software technology, a blog on a related topic is definitely an advantage for you. It may be of much importance to you as well as for others if you have vast knowledge to share with them. Also, it will benefit you to enhance your knowledge. Software testing is another field that has importance along with software development. You can also try running a blog for sharing your knowledge and skills in software testing.

Also Read:-Software-testing-as-a-career-option-for-non-science-graduates

2.Computer tips

This is an interesting topic for anyone who uses the computer. If you have the knowledge and passion for writing a blog about computer tips, I am pretty sure that your blog will be a great success in terms of readership. Who doesn’t like to know about a new operating system or some tips on using it on your computer for a particular purpose? For those who want to know the up-to-date developments in this field, a blog that is constantly updating is of great help. Why don’t you start thinking of such a blog today itself?

3.SEO tips

Most businesses however big or small have their online counterpart in the form of a website. Since every business website owner like to have their websites seen by most number of people, SEO techniques have an important role to play. Thus, the value of a blog providing SEO tips and techniques is of utmost importance to the online world. A blog providing quality ideas for improving the search engine optimization of a website may undoubtedly pull out some traffic for itself. Therefore, the possibility of monetizing the same blog for some income for you is more compared to any other niche sites.

Also Read:- SEO essentials you must know.


We all love gadgets. A lot of people among you are fans of apple products. Some among you argue for the positive sides of android phones. Then there are the products like the Google glass, smart watches, and you name it. If I see a quality article about my favourite gadgets, I will definitely read it and I believe you are not different. Don’t think twice for starting such a blog if you are someone who is interested and passionate about gadgets provided you have the basic writing skills needed to start such a blog.

5.Electronic products

I was actually planning to start a blog on consumer electronic products that we use in our daily life. Providing valuable information for choosing a good product as well as tips on how-to-use it properly will make such a blog appealing for anyone. For those people who are enthusiastic and passionate about the new developments in such a field may provide the readers with quality information they like to know about their products they are looking to buy or how to use it properly once they buy it. For example, every one of us may not be familiar with the use of a particular brand of camera. You may try to give some tips and tricks for using such instruments.


Most of the people among us are interested in gossip related to celebrities. If you are from India, you would definitely like to hear gossips of the Hollywood stars. When you read the news updates on online platforms, we see that gossips and rumours about well known personalities in different fields make a good percentage of the news. But you need to be very careful; publishing such information as it may lead you to unnecessary troubles. You can try starting one if you are an established and experienced journalist or someone like that who knows the trade well.


Writing about celebrities is another interesting thing. If you are a football fan living in U.K., anything you write related to football celebrities may make your blog a notable one. Similarly, if you live in India and blog about cricket celebrities, I am sure that your blog will have plenty of followers than you expect. Then there are blogs completely dedicated to one particular celebrity. When one of my friends from India had a blog completely dedicated to singing sensation Shreya Ghoshal and the blog attracted a lot of followers.

8.Blogging tips

You can’t be able to start this niche unless you are having the experience of running a blog for sufficient time until you gain the expertise to give tips to the new bloggers. I have been on blogging for the last nine months; therefore, I was able to gather and share this post with you from the experience I had for this time. I may not be able to pen down a post like this after one or two weeks of blogging experience. You may need sufficient time to be the jack of the trade.


If you are a reputed healthcare professional with good knowledge in your chosen field, why can’t you share your knowledge and ideas that may help others to get some benefit? I had a plan to start a website that provides technical service as well as medical help to its viewers or prospective customers. The idea came up in my mind thinking that I can pair up with one of my surgeon cousin for running such a website.


Lifestyle blogs are really interesting. If you follow and read few lifestyle blogs, you may feel attracted to it. The uniqueness of the contents anyone can create in a lifestyle blog makes it entirely different from other niche blogs.

11.Travel blogs

Who doesn’t like to travel? I am interested so I believe you too like that. If you are a frequent traveller, writing a travel blog will not only make you happy but also make others feel happy hearing travel adventures. Travel blogs are the most interesting ones for those people who are always interested in travelling. Travel blogs are more popular in countries like U.K., and U.S.A.

12.Educational blog

This topic of blogging is perfect for someone who is in the teaching profession for quite a reasonable amount of time. Most of the educational blogs are created to provide information regarding anything related to education. Some of the educational blogs are found to be useful for students as well as those who are into teaching.


Do you have vast knowledge and experience in recruiting people for different career options? Are you able to give them training and career advice? If your answer is ‘Yes’, don’t waste your time thinking much. You may be able to start a blog giving career advice. If you are still not confident, I suggest you to go through a blog by Penelope Trunk where the author gives advice on education and career. I am sure that you will learn a lesson or two from her blog.

14.Personal blog

Personal blogs are like personal diaries. Why can’t you write a blog as a diary describing al your day-to-day happening in life? I am sure that some of you may not like the idea of sharing your personal life to others but I assure you that it is possible to make it an interesting read if you have a certain level of skills in expressing your views and thoughts. However, personal blogs of celebrities are always a matter of curiosity for readers. If you are not a celebrity, you may need those exceptional writing skills necessary to make your personal blog getting noticed by more people.


We all like cars. I am too much interested in this topic and that is the reason why I wrote few articles on this topic in this blog. Initially, when I started this blog, I was even planning to start a blog on cars. The biggest disadvantage of writing on this topic is the availability of a large number of website that may make your blog look not so appealing. This is my opinion. If you have a passion for cars, you can try writing a blog about it.


Most people like to wear fashionable clothes. Maybe you like to wear clothes from some favourite brand of your choice. How about the idea of starting a blog about clothes you wear? Are you a beautiful looking lady following recent trends in fashion? If you are, don’t think too much about starting a blog of this kind. I am pretty sure that your blog is going to be a success if you are ready to give the much-needed hard work and dedication to it.

17.Jewellery and beauty products you wear

Why can’t you blog about the jewellery you wear or like? What about writing about beauty products of your choice? If you are smart enough in displaying your favourite products, you can even think of converting the same blog into a website selling those products. The blog may help some of the mommy bloggers to be an entrepreneur.

18.Online marketing

Internet marketing or online marketing is a vast field. If you have previous experience in a career related to internet marketing, it will be a good idea to share your thoughts, ideas and suggestions. The vast majority of people are interested in reading blogs on online marketing since many of them are in need of marketing their own products or service online.

19.Social media

Most people are connected globally with their friends through social media. Every business wants to promote themselves through social media. So there are many among you who would like to know more about social media trends and developments. I would definitely say this is an awesome topic to blog about.

20.Social causes

If you are keen on social happenings around you, then you may like to share those things with others. Starting a blog for any social cause is a good strategy for anyone who is aspiring to be a social activist.

21.Country where you live

If you happened to live in a country other than the country where you are born, it would be interesting to start a blog about the new experience you have. For example, I live in London and if I write a blog about my life in London, it may become an interesting topic for someone from my own country.

22.Country where you are born

It will be a good idea to write about a blog about your country where you are born. There may be a lot of other blogs like this, but anything you share from your perspective will be different.


If you are a parent, it doesn’t matter whether you are a mother or a father, why can’t you try writing a parenting blog. It may not sound interesting to you. If that is the case, I suggest you to go through one of the interesting parenting blog that I came across which is written by Janine Huldie, who is a mommy blogger. I hope some of you reading this blog may start thinking of writing a blog of this kind.

24.Blog about your religion

It is not a bad idea blogging about your religion you follow. Whatever may be your religion, you have the freedom to express your views about it. I am a strong believer of Jesus Christ. So I believe I can be able to spread the word of God with more people if I start a blog about my belief in Jesus.


Someone who is passionately interested in writing can start utilizing this aspect of blogging. A blog with all your poetry in it will give you the much-needed personal satisfaction as a writer. But I personally feel it good to add your poetry to the blog you are already running as it may not be easy for you to update with only poetry all the time.

26.Short story.

In the modern world, do you have the time to read a big novel? But most people have the time to go through short stories. Maybe it is a good idea to have a blog with a collection of all your short stories.

I know that if we make a list of ideas like this, it may be too long; hence I am not confusing you with more in number now. But don’t get surprised if I update this list with hundred topics another day. I would appreciate if you could provide some more ideas in the comments column so that I may update that later to the list. Thank you very much for spending with your precious time with Digital Dimensions. Have a wonderful blogging journey.

Also Read:- Advantages of blogging

51 Microblogging sites for bloggers and digital marketers

Also,read my contribution on PAC as an expert author here:-

How to avoid negative thoughts about your blogging career.

Image Source:Pixabay

©2014-2024Digital Dimensions. The content is copyrighted to Reji Stephenson and may not be reproduced on other websites.


  • Mr. Reji Stephenson, the founder and editor of this blog is a digital creator based in London. He is an Engineering graduate with post graduate qualifications in Digital marketing. In this blog, he likes to publish contents related to digital marketing, blogging, social media , technology and data analytics. You can follow him on his Instagram link below the post.

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Reji Stephenson

Mr. Reji Stephenson, the founder and editor of this blog is a digital creator based in London. He is an Engineering graduate with post graduate qualifications in Digital marketing. In this blog, he likes to publish contents related to digital marketing, blogging, social media , technology and data analytics. You can follow him on his Instagram link below the post.

View Comments

  • DIY and other special interests that have help, patterns, or general education regarding making things, i.e. wood working, knitting, weaving, sewing, and other hands on activities.

      • No worries ! - and when you don't hear from me, it's because you're posting on something that doesn't relate to me (like, e.g., social networking).

    • Don't worry dear friend, you will get audience soon if you keep trying to attract the attention of them using your style of writing. Try keeping them involved in your writing. Then they will come back. so far it was good for me and i hope it will only improve and not fail. Try reading as much a blogs and soon you may find the need to change your style of writing. Try this blog and see how the author tricks you to involve in her contents in the blog. It is the style of writing that matters. I believe that way. I am not an expert writer or author of a book. I am just sharing my blogging experience of few months. Take care Hassan. Have a nice blogging journey ahead.

  • Great list! You have an engaging, informal and informative style of writing. Very nice to read. Easy on the mind; heavy on content! And one more thing: Thanks for following my blog!

    • Thank you very much for your encouraging comments. I will come back to your blog again and again.

  • Hi Reji,

    Definitely a very informative article you shared with us. I am in blogging niche now and i decided to work with other niche soon. Obviously we need to select proper niche and it should be more profitable.

    Anyway, thanks a lot for sharing this useful post with us.

    • Hi Minhaj Uddin,

      Good to see you here for the first time and thank you very much for your valuable comment. Have a great blogging journey.


      Reji Stephenson

  • Nice list of topics to start with. Mine is not listed but I think can come under, poetry and social cause and short stories too.

    Mince is kind of a personal blog on motivation, inspiration and life skills.

    Good post!

    • Hi Naman,

      Thank you very much for your visit and the comment. I will update this post with more number of niche ideas soon.


      Reji Stephenson

  • Hi Reji
    This is useful article for those who wants to work on Niche Blog. After this post surely, I will start work on niche blogs and try to earn few bugs from it.

  • Hi Tiffany,

    I read your article and it sounds good. Also, thank you very much for linking to one of my post '26 Niche ideas for starting a blog.'

    Hoping to read more article from this blog soon.

    Have a great blogging journey.

    Reji Stephenson

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