Categories: Reviews

GRAMMARLY REVIEW-One of the best proofreading tools

Do you think that people will continue to read your blog once they find mistakes in your writing? I have come across many blogs that have numerous spelling and grammatical errors. When we are in a hurry to publish a post, we may not notice our mistakes. Bloggers who are non-native speakers of English like me are more likely to make grammatical errors than native speakers.

One of the best ways to avoid such mistakes is by using writing enhancement tools such as Grammarly. This post was proofread by Grammarly. In this article, I share my experience of having used Grammarly for more than a year. I hope most of my readers know what Grammarly is. If not, I can define it simply as follows:

Grammarly is a writing enhancement tool developed by Grammarly, Inc., which is used not only for proofreading but also for plagiarism-detection.

Even if you are very good at writing, you need to have someone help you make any corrections before you publish anything. In the old days, people used to approach their relatives or friends for this task. You don’t need to wait for anyone’s help to find mistakes in your writing if you are using Grammarly.


When I started writing for the first time, I used the Microsoft Word to correct my mistakes as I was unaware of any other automated tools for proofreading. Once I started using Grammarly, I found it useful not only for editing my content but also for improving my writing skills.

According to Grammarly’s official website, its grammar-checking algorithms have been developed in a manner that makes it possible to scan your content for grammatical errors of more than 250 different types.

Let me go into further details on how that is possible with Grammarly.

Let’s see how editing can be made so simple by using Grammarly.

First, load the text you want to proofread into the review box. The text can be imported as a Word file or simply copied and pasted. You can also type directly in the review box if you feel comfortable that way. I normally prefer copy-pasting the content, then pressing the ‘Start Review’ button.
It takes only the fraction of a minute or a little more to get a page similar to the one shown below. The page will highlight all the errors in the text in red. It is easy for us now to go through each and every mistake and correct it according to the set of explanations provided in the right-hand column.

While proofreading your text, you have the option to select the document type from a list of seven genres, which include general, academic, business, technical, medical, creative, and casual. Here is the screenshot I took while writing one of my previous reviews on Fitbit.

When you finish all your editing, you can copy it from the review box. If you have uploaded a Word document, you have to download it to get the altered version.

How Grammarly can help you with your writing

It helps you to correct your grammar in the piece of writing. It does that by giving an explanation for the mistake you made so that you can have a better idea of how to correct it.

It will assist you in finding all the misspelled words in your writing. Then, it will provide you with the appropriate word suggestion.

It can also inform you of whether you used a correctly spelled word in the wrong context.

The tool points out all the plagiarised parts in the writing, if there are any.

Grammarly Add-in with Microsoft Word and Outlook

You can use Grammarly along with Microsoft Word installed on your computer. For this, you need to install the add-in provided with the tool. Once you install the add-in from the link you can find in your Grammarly account, it becomes easier to edit your work. The add-in will let you finish your job in less time by avoiding the time it takes to copy and paste it into the review box. The add-in can be used with your Outlook account too.

Grammarly for Chrome

If you are a blogger or Internet marketer, I suggest that you use the Google Chrome extension available with the tool. It monitors the grammar mistakes you probably make while using social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Facebook, WordPress, and more.

Editing comments and replies in WordPress can also be done with the Chrome extension. This extension allows you to write lengthy comments and replies that are error-free.

Why it is so valuable to bloggers and students?

As a blogger, I am concerned about any mistake I may make while publishing an article or blog post. It may be easy to check for spelling or grammatical errors in your writing. You may even have someone to assist you instead of using an automated tool. However, do you think they can discover whether there is any plagiarised content in your writing?

I am not saying that you are stealing or copying someone’s ideas or content. However, there are millions of people publishing content on the Web. Some percentage of these writers may have the same style of describing things. Therefore, it may not be surprising if some content looks similar, and the readers may feel that the information is plagiarised. For example, if a hundred people review a smartphone and write their opinions, some portion of the writing will surely look similar, giving the impression of plagiarised content.

From the SEO point of view, bloggers can’t neglect the importance of reducing such content as much as possible. Grammarly helps you to discover anything in your writing that appears to be plagiarized because of similar contents on the web. Grammarly will help you make further corrections or, if necessary, give proper citations. Also, it is always better to check whether there is any plagiarised content in the articles you accept as guest posts on your blog or website.

Students who need to submit academic essays also face the same situation. Universities in countries like the U.K. are very strict in the matter of plagiarised content in essays. It is a waste of time and effort when your essay is rejected for inclusion of plagiarised content. From my point of view, it is always better to make use of tools like Grammarly if you are a student pursuing a degree at a university.

Drawbacks of Grammarly

There is no add-in available to use when using a Mac platform. I find myself feeling a bit uncomfortable while using my Mac or iPad as I can’t carry on with my usual habit of using the Grammarly add-in. Still, I wouldn’t say that this is a major drawback when we consider all of its other benefits.

It is an important update that could make it more user-friendly for people who rely on iPads and similar gadgets for their writing assignments. Hence, an add-in for Mac will increase its demand, in addition to the millions of others who are already using it.

How much will it cost you?

Three payment plans are available for Grammarly.

Grammarly can be purchased by customers for only $29.95,$59.95 and $139.95 for a 1-month, 3-month and 1-year subscription plans respectively.


After using Grammarly for nearly one and a half years, I think that it is one of the best proofreading tools available. If you are a writer, blogger, teacher, student, engineer, healthcare professional, businessman, or anyone else who needs to create content online or offline, this tool will help you become a better writer.
If you are already using Grammarly, please feel free to share your opinions about it in the comments column. Thank you very much for spending your precious time with

Suggested Read:-

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Featured Image Courtesy: Pixabay

©2015-20 The content is copyrighted to Reji Stephenson and may not be reproduced on other websites.




  • Mr. Reji Stephenson, the founder and editor of this blog is a digital creator based in London. He is an Engineering graduate with post graduate qualifications in Digital marketing. In this blog, he likes to publish contents related to digital marketing, blogging, social media , technology and data analytics. You can follow him on his Instagram link below the post.

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Reji Stephenson

Mr. Reji Stephenson, the founder and editor of this blog is a digital creator based in London. He is an Engineering graduate with post graduate qualifications in Digital marketing. In this blog, he likes to publish contents related to digital marketing, blogging, social media , technology and data analytics. You can follow him on his Instagram link below the post.

View Comments

  • Hi Reji,
    This is indeed a great review. Thanks for sharing more information about this wonderful and useful page. I am sure many of your readers especially the writers/bloggers will opt for this,
    I wish you all the best
    Great share
    Have a great day
    Keep informed.
    ~ Philip

    • Hi Brother,

      Thank you very much for your positive and encouraging comment. This is defenitely a wonderful tool for writers and bloggers. so, defenitely some of the readers will opt for it.

      Thank you and have a great day

      Reji Stephenson

  • Hi sir,
    Grammarly is seriously a good grammar checker tool.
    It helps writers a lot.
    It is one of the best tool for writers and students.
    Thanks for sharing.

    • Hi Naman,

      Thanks for the visit and the comment. Have a great time blogging.

      Best regards

      Reji Stephenson

  • Am a big fan of a grammarly and regular user of Grammarly, Using the premium tool (i can say it's a magical tool to fix all the typo and grammar mistakes will fix in a snap). The best part I like is it suggest the alternative words which are excellent for the blog publishers to reduce the keyword density. Am sure if users using free version I suggest take the advantage of the premium version, it's an excellent proofreading tool suitable for students, publishers, writers, etc..

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