This article points out thirty advantages of blogging. If you go through this post you may find that many of these benefits are enjoyed by you while having a blog. I can assume that this post is going to encourage many bloggers, especially new ones who are looking for some motivation. This blog post may inspire those who are undecided as to whether they should continue with their blogging for various reasons of their own. Reading this post may motivate you whenever you read and may make you feel that you should not stop blogging but continue with renewed zest.
If you are still thinking of starting a blog or what are the advantages of blogging? What kind of blog you must start?
Then I am sure this post is for you. As for me, there are only advantages of having a blog, because I am still not able to find any disadvantages of having a blog.
So here is the list of thirty advantages of blogging
#1. Networking with various people worldwide.
One of the important benefits of blogging is its feature that helps us to network with a wide range of bloggers from different walks of life across the globe. Interacting with people from different countries and cultures may lead to friendly relations with them that may help you start new ventures like starting a new business with someone outside of your country. It may help you get more fans for your business or celebrity’s Facebook page or on other social media sites.
#2. Blogs help you to improve your writing skills.
If you start to write a blog, all of a sudden you get into the habit of improving your writing skills and style. You may feel that you are going to be criticized if you make a mistake. This fear is a big step that will make you motivated for improving your writing skills. Automatically, you will start trying to improve your writing skills while writing more and more posts for your own blog.
#3. Mastering a subject.
Another advantage of having a blog is its ability to make you a master in a chosen subject. If you are writing on a particular niche for a long time, it will enrich your knowledge as you carry on doing research on that particular topic or niche.
For me, blogging helped me in getting a Post Graduation in Digital Marketing from the Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing U.K.
IDM is actually an institute providing corporate training for a group of candidates but they gave me admission to their postgraduate course as I have been blogging consistently for a few years.
#4. The flexibility of working hours.
If you are engaged in blogging as a work-at-home job, the flexibility of working hours makes it suitable for you to find out time for your other day-to-day activities. Imagine how you can pick up your children from school at 3 ‘O’clock when you work in 10 to 5 job. You need to find other alternatives in this situation. When you are a full-time blogger, it is possible for you to stop all your engagements with the blog at any time of the day to carry out any other chores. As you are your own boss or maybe the one and only boss of your business, it is really a great experience.
Also Read:- How to Write a Blog Post in 6 easy steps
#5. Your photographic skills may improve.
Once anyone becomes a blogger, he or she may start interested in several other things related to blogging to improve their own blog. For example, I was never interested in photography. I was reluctant and shy to take photographs, especially in crowds. After I started blogging I developed an interest in and motivation for photography which I am continuing to date and hope to continue with it. So I can claim that it is through blogging that I developed an interest in photography.
#6. Your videography skills may improve.
As I mentioned earlier about photography, your video skills will get enhanced once you start blogging. The video tutorial is a must for many of the blogs, especially the technical ones where you may need to teach some ideas to an audience. So those who are running a blog may definitely try to improve their videography skills.
#7. Your presentation skills may improve.
When you make video tutorials for your blog, you may try to make sure that you are presenting the video with good language that is clear and understandable. This may definitely lead you to take that extra step to improve your presentation skills.
#8. Blogging as a source of income.
Most people start blogging just for expressing their personal opinions. Later on, some begin to take an interest in searching for various ways by which they can earn income from it. Gradually they start making an income by implementing search engine optimisation techniques combined with the use of advertisements along with the blog. Some people start doing affiliate marketing of products or services related to the niche they blog about.
Also Read:- How to make money from different niches of blogging?
#9. Blogs promote small-scale businesses.
Blogs play an important role in today’s business. Even a small-scale business run by a single person can be promoted using a blog. For example, if you run a business selling ornaments for ladies, you can do that in your blog. The blog acts as a platform for showcasing the products you want to sell. There are tons of advantages of blogging for business and are trying our best to share that in this post. Keep reading and keep learning.
#10. Blogs promote large-scale businesses.
There is no need to mention that all large-scale businesses have their own blog along with their website. They update every detail of their product or service using their blog. I suggest that you refer to one of my previous posts pointing out the reasons why a blog is essential for promoting a business.
#11. Blogs make it easy to connect with social media.
Most blogging tools help us to easily share the content in the blog with social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.
#12. Blog as a source of information
Some technical blogs are a valuable source of information and people know that they can gain valuable information related to the technical aspects of a computer, software, or mobile phone. So they keep coming back to the blog again and again for valuable information.
Also, Read:-Niche ideas for starting a blog.
#13. Blog as a helping tool for carrying out certain day-to-day activities.
There are millions of blogs out there in the blogosphere and those involved in blogging definitely have an idea of the contents of other blogs they follow. There is a possibility that people may look for blogs that help them to carry out certain activities like troubleshooting their computers, and mobile phones and even getting better ideas on cooking their daily food.
#14. Blogs may act as a portfolio.
Photographers, artists, cartoonists, etc. find blogging an excellent platform for creating portfolios for their work. They find it easy to build and manage a portfolio in this way so that their work gets easily attracted, to other people. This may make it easier for them to get hired while searching for jobs in the same area. The portfolios like this can now be more easily managed by linking with websites like Pinterest and Tumblr. If you would like to see how a blog can be used as a portfolio, please check and see the blog of one of my fellow bloggers, Miss Anna Cull, where she uses the blog as a portfolio for her artwork.
#15. Blogs may help you to become a professional writer or blogger.
Many writers who have already published their writings in the form of novels or short stories and have a certain level of reputation as a writer may also run an online blog. These blogs act as additional support to establish themselves as expert writer when they get more exposure through blogs and fan pages on social media. Facebook fan page and Twitter act as a trigger to increase the number of fans for these writers.
#16. Blogs may lead you to start a new career.
If you attend an interview for a particular job, your chances of securing the job may increase if you possess a blog specializing in subjects the interview demands. This is due to the fact that your blog may act as a portfolio for your knowledge as well as skills in photography, painting, artwork, etc. Also, there are chances that you may be hired for better assignments you never expected.
#17. Blogs are very easy to set up.
It is very easy to set up a blog. You don’t have to be very good in the technical aspects or in software to start a blog. Anyone can start a new blog using tools like WordPress or Blogger. It can be started anytime with the easiness of setting up an e-mail account, provided you have the confidence of having a certain level of proficiency in writing.
#18. Blogs help you to increase your knowledge in different fields.
As I mentioned earlier about video and photography skills, you may gain interest and get involved in areas like web designing and programming languages like HTML, PHP, MySQL, etc. It is more likely for you to get involved in studying PHP especially when you are using WordPress as your tool for blogging.
#19. Gaining popularity and respect from others.
When your blog starts gaining more readers, you may also start getting more popularity. You may soon start getting known as a blogger in your immediate vicinity. People at your office or business may start seeing you as a blogger or probably a writer in some cases. This may eventually lead to gaining respect from your colleagues, friends, and relatives.
#20. Blogging as a hobby.
During the initial stages, blogging was a platform for people to share their views on any topic of their choice. So people started using it as a hobby. Most of those blogs were personal ones. Later developments see the concept of blogging get changed from time to time working along with the concept of Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Even though the nature of the blogging concept changed a lot, there are lakhs of people around the blogosphere who still consider blogging as a hobby of interest to them and they don’t actually care about the monetary aspects of blogging. They just have their personal satisfaction by sharing their views and opinions with others.
#21. Blogs are easy to update.
Another important feature of a blog is its easiness to update its content at any time you want. Decades back before the coming of the internet, it was nearly an impossible task for an author to change the contents of a book once it was published in print form. The only option available for an update was to publish another edition. It can be analyzed that the emergence of the internet and the development of the World Wide Web made a drastic change in the way an author can approach the whole process of writing.
Also Read:- Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Marketing
#22. Blogging may change your attitude toward life.
Blogging changed my way of thinking and attitude toward life. So I believe it may be the same with most other bloggers. If you are nearing the stage of establishing yourself as a blogger, you start seeing everything in a different light. You may feel that you are getting appreciated for your work by others. This may lead you to make yourself more equipped and responsible while dealing with the public. You may think that you need to research more in order to gain knowledge in the subject you are writing about so that you can deal with any queries related to the niche you are writing.
#23.Good exercise for your mind
If you are blogging with passion without allowing your mind to worry about monetizing your blog, definitely you will be getting some exercise for your mind that will keep your memory power in good condition. Remember you should love the time you spend on writing and keep engaged in other activities related to blogging like researching a topic, and reading more articles related to your niche.
#24. It is possible to become a successful blogger without higher education.
Many people believe that blogging is for those people who have higher educational qualifications from the university. If you are among them thinking in that way, I would definitely tell you that you are wrong. Even if you do not have a college degree, you can be able to become a successful blogger through hard work and dedication provided you have the necessary writing skills.
#25. Location is not a problem for blogging as a career.
Blogging as a career can be done by staying at any location in the world. This is one of the greatest advantages of blogging. I live in London even though my native country is India. If I choose to do blogging as my full-time career, I can have the advantage of doing it either from India or London. Suppose if I do any other day job, I cannot be able to spare time in India other than the days available for my annual leave. Maybe if I want to stay in India for a few months and come back, there will not be any problem continuing blogging as a career. All I need is a laptop or other suitable device and a Wi-Fi connection.
#26.Traveling around the globe
You never know if one day you will be traveling to different destinations in the world. Traveling to exotic locations around the world seems to be an impossible task for many of us. But, you cannot predict where blogging can take you in the future. If you are a travel blogger or an affiliate marketer or a digital marketer, there might be chances available for you to travel around the globe for affiliate summits and the like.
If you find this post interesting or motivating you to continue your blogging journey with more enthusiasm, please feel free to share that in the comment column so that I can have more ideas for my forthcoming posts.
#27. You may become an Online marketer/Digital Marketer
The chances of becoming an online or internet or digital marketer is another opportunity that may knock you when you blog consistently. Once you are into serious blogging in a particular niche of your choice, you will automatically start promoting products or services related to your niche. It may open doors for bloggers to become good internet marketers in the long run.
#28. You will become a Vlogger or Youtuber
Nowadays, visual content is having more importance and reach among the public. Your experience in blogging will act as a solid foundation for starting a YouTube channel and making it a big success. The biggest advantage a blogger can utilize is the follower count that he or she might have for the blog. It might be easier for a blogger to get many initial subscribers for a YouTube channel as a large number of blog followers might start following the YouTube channel in the initial stages.
#29. Become an Affiliate Marketer
Affiliate marketing is a good source of income for many bloggers around the globe. Many affiliate marketers were not even completely aware of the concept of affiliate marketing during the initial stages of their blogging careers. But, consistent efforts in the field of blogging made them equip with all the ideas that make them good affiliate marketers.
#30. Gain more followers on various social media sites
Blogging is a good tactic for gaining more followers on your social media accounts. Your introduction on social media profiles as a blogger or internet marketer will attract the attention of many people who have similar interests. I currently have nearly 10,000 followers on LinkedIn and more than 4000 followers on my Instagram account.
I am able to write 30 advantages of blog but I am sure that there are far more advantages. Different people have had different advantages of having a blog and being successful. If you are a blogger, do let us know in the comments about the benefits you have had.
Note: This post was last updated on 04/09/2024
©2014-24 The content is copyrighted to Reji Stephenson and may not be reproduced on other websites.
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Very nice ..enjoyed the information
Thank you very much.
blogs help you meet fabulous bloggers!
Yes you are right, I have met so many people from different parts of the world. It was never in my imagination about my life.
Thank you Charles.
This article would be terrific for people trying to decide whether or not, etc.; but the problem is how to reach them …? Maybe this is the kind of info. that the platforms themselves should be spruiking, Reji: have you asked them ?
An informative summation. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
You are welcome.
What a great post 🙂 all points are valid I actually feel the same 🙂 Thanks for more motivation
You are most welcome.
you’ve encapsulated it very well
good reasons indeed! 🙂
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
I definitely agree with so many of your points, Rejistephenson! And on those occasions when I deem blogging unimportant and I just can’t muster the time for it, I will return and remember! Thanks so much! Shucks, I love the notion of becoming a professional blogger and just may research it!
Thank you so much for the comments. I am really happy to hear that you agree with many of my points. I wish you all the very best on your journey as a professional blogger.
Thank you, Reji!
I am just now seeing your comment in my blog archives! 🙂 Have a wonderful Thursday!
Have a wonderful Thursday for you too.
Thanks for the perspective.
Thanks for the follow, too.
You are welcome. I will come back to your blog regularly. Have a wonderful blogging journey.
You are most welcome.
Since I was laid up with chicken pox for the past two weeks, I was not able to update my blog and unable to reply to the comments.
Sorry for the late response.
Ooo, so sorry to hear and no problems on the late reply.
Hope all is well now- I have heard that chickenpox can be very painful and serious for adults. Praying you weathered it OK.
God’s Blessings.
I have just recovered from it and will be completely ok by next week. Thanks for your reply and prayers. God bless you too.
Very informative. I have been trying to help my brother, who is exceptionally skilled in human languages, to start a blog. The points you mentioned reflect my view on the subject. I will ask my brother to read this.
Thank you for your positive comments. I will keep coming back to your blog also whenever I get time. Take care.
A nice and point wise narrative on advantages of a blog. I feel inspired.
My thanks for your following my blog. I too am following yours with immediate effect. Looking forward to a better interaction in days to come.
Thank you very much for your good comments. I am really happy to see some one blogging from India. Have a great journey in blogging. I will keep coming back to your blog.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Glad you like it! You have a great blog! Have a great day! 🙂
You are most welcome. Thank you for the good comment. Have a wonderful blogging journey ahead.
Along the lines of a portfolio, blogs are also a great way to journal. 🙂 It’s quickly becoming a way for me to write down successes and failures, and to celebrate or vent frustration.
Thanks for the great info!
I totally agree with all your points and me too enjoying every minute of my small blogging journey. Take care. Have a wonderful day.
Great ideas.!! Thank you for the follow too 🙂
You are most welcome. Have a wonderful blogging journey.
Thank you for linking my post in your blog. Have a wonderful blogging journey.
Blogging about certain subjects and doing research definitely helps to improve your knowledge as you blog. Even if you already knew the information, writing about it and teaching it to others helps to solidify the info in your head!
Yes I totally agree with your points. Blogging helps anyone to improve their skills if they are really interested and commited to it.
I totally agree with your points. If we are really interested and commited to it, it will definitely helps to improve our skills in various ways.
Thank you very much for the inspiring comment.
Thank you very much for your comment.
hey very well written and very helpful for beginners like us…
Thank you very much.
This is an inspirational list of reasons for blogging 🙂 ❤ <3 pinned this post @
Thank you very much for your good comments and pinning it.
I wish blogging paid us… 😀 would be great
Getting money is there in everyones mind.I write for my personal satisfaction and interest. But if you or me get some money, we don’t reject the offer. Do you? Anyway good luck with your blogging.
I would rather leave my job 😀
Good luck to you too mate
Blogging becomes my hobby after my friend introduce me about it.
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Hi Reji,
Nice to be here again! 🙂
Hey, I really missed this post. 🙂
Indeed this is a wonderful and informative piece for all those who want to get into the field of blogging.
You brought out very vital issues in this wonderful world called blogging.
Yes, everyone can pick up some vital points to improve their specific fields.
I am sure this will be a good guide to all. 🙂
Thanks for sharing.
I am going to mention about this piece in one of my forthcoming posts.
May you have a wonderful and profitable day.
Keep sharing
~ Philip
Hi Brother Phil,
Nice to see you here too!
Good to hear that this is a wonderful and informative piece of writing for all those who want to get into the field of blogging.
By this post, I was also trying to convey the message that a blog can be utilized for various purposes based upon the skill sets and abilities of a person, whether they are inborn talent or cultivated one.
Thank you very much for your plan that you are going to mention this post on one of your forthcoming posts.
Have a wonderful blogging journey.
Keep sharing
Thank you
Reji Stephenson
Hi Reji
What an awesome post and there are so much benefit in having a blog. The ideas you shared are so awesome and you are right that blogging can help one network with other bloggers.
Thanks for sharing. Take Care
Wow! Nice reasons you have here. The only problem I have with blogging is that it takes time before you can start seeing the impact and benefit. Thanks for the update
Hi Steve,
Nice to see your comment here.I totally agree with you that it takes some time to get the benefits in full fledge. Hoping to see you again.
Reji Stephenson
Awesome article as always am glad to gain this remarkable information from you.
Thank you, Reji!
I am just now seeing your comment in my blog archives! 🙂 Have a wonderful Thursday!
Thank you for your visit and then comment Muhammad.
This is such an informative article! I agree with all your points. Also, blogging helps to learn from others.
Learn something new. Again it also helps a reader. Some people choose a hobby like blogging. So I totally agree with your points. Thanks for your engaging article.
Farhana Akter
Thanks, Farhana for the comment. Glad that you find the post useful. Hoping to see your valuable insights about blogging in this blog again.
Hey Reji,
I know, there are so many advantages to blogging. personally speaking, I started blogging because I want to set up my online business. So, to bring traffic to my sales page, I need to connect a blog to my site. But all the other points also true and I totally agree with you.
Anyway, great content.
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Thanks, Suresh for your visit and the comment.