Categories: Blogging

Passion for blogging

Millions of blogs are created every day. But how many of them survive in the long run?  Most of them who start blogging quit the same after creating a profile without even publishing a post.They may just try and see  how WordPress works.While some others write one or two posts and then they may  even fail to retrieve their password from oblivion. Some percentage  of the people are behind money motives. They think that blogging is an easy way to make money online. These people who are expecting money in quick time will soon abandon blogging when they realize that it is not an easy task as they felt once.

If you are blogging for at least three months, you might have heard that you should have a passion for blogging to make it a successful business.Every veteran in this field advises you  ” You should have a passion for the subject you write.” I cannot fully consume the idea behind the statement in its full entirety. Here, I am not saying that you should not need any passion for writing about a subject but suggest  you that you should first create passion for your own writing.Once you have that passion for writing, your passion about a particular topic will definitely motivate  you to write about it.

When you develop a passion for your writing, you will automatically start  liking to write about your passionate subjects. If someone is  passionate about fashion, there is more chance that they may try their luck by starting a fashion blog. For example, one of my passionate subject is cricket.  I am really passionate about the game of cricket since I was born and brought up in a country, where cricket is considered as something equivalent to a religion.

Even though, cricket is one of my passionate subject, I never like to start a blog on cricket just for  the reason that I may get only readership from few number of cricket playing nations. Do you like to run a blog with less readership? Still the passion on the subject is tempting me  to start a blog on cricket in the form of an event blog during the next cricket world cup in 2015.

What if you are passionate about a topic but does not have a passion for writing? If you are that kind of a person, then you may never be interested in blogging. I have few friends who are really passionate about gadgets but not in writing. They may have the most updated knowledge on the topic, but they are never going to express that in the form of a blog post or an article in a magazine as they are not passionate about writing.

We all know how  the concept of writing has changed with the emergence of internet and blogging. More and more people are trying to express their views and ideas on the internet in the form of a blog or an article on a website. Only a  few of these people belong to the category of established writers or journalists who can boast of a successful career in writing.  So if you don’t have much  experience in writing and still running a blog, it is time for you to check whether you are really passionate about your writing. If not you are still not late to start working on it.

Developing  passion for writing is  not  a process that can be learned in a few days time. Learning the task of writing is a never-ending process. You may be able to strive towards perfection.  The more you practice, the more you gain. The best way to develop your passion for writing is voracious reading. Read as much as you can and practice writing as much as possible. If you have an innate talent for writing, output will be much greater. I believe there is no other shortcut other than this to become a successful and passionate writer. Please let me know your opinions on this topic in the comments column so that I can come up with more ideas in future.

Thank you very much for spending your precious time with Digital Dimensions.

You may like to read the following posts too.

1.How to make money from different niches of blogging.

2.26 Niche ideas for starting a blog.

3.25 Advantages of blogging for inspiration.

Image Source:Pixabay

©2014Digital Dimensions. The content is copyrighted to Reji Stephenson and may not be reproduced on other websites.




  • Mr. Reji Stephenson, the founder and editor of this blog is a digital creator based in London. He is an Engineering graduate with post graduate qualifications in Digital marketing. In this blog, he likes to publish contents related to digital marketing, blogging, social media , technology and data analytics. You can follow him on his Instagram link below the post.

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Reji Stephenson

Mr. Reji Stephenson, the founder and editor of this blog is a digital creator based in London. He is an Engineering graduate with post graduate qualifications in Digital marketing. In this blog, he likes to publish contents related to digital marketing, blogging, social media , technology and data analytics. You can follow him on his Instagram link below the post.

View Comments

  • A good post. Perseverance is needed as much as passion. There are hundreds of millions of blogs. If the quallity is there sooner or later one might get attention, but the love of writing is what really counts not so much the success.

    • Thank you very much for your appreciation. I am totally agreeing with your points specially about the quality of the contents we write. Of course perseverance is a much if we want to get success.Hoping to read more posts from your blog Gereard. Have a wonderful blogging journey ahead. Take care.

  • Hi Reji, I fully agree.... the writing improve as you continue to write, and also through reading! And also, you need passion for writing in the same measure as passion for your subject. I only have 59 followers so far, and the only thing that keeps me going on my blog is I love writing about my travels :)

    • Hi Shika, Thank you for commenting on this post. Don't be worried about things like the number of followers, money you make from the blog, traffic etc, etc. Keep motivated yourself by trying to love what you do. If you love what you do , that may make wonders. Looking forward to read more posts and comments from you. Take care. Have a wonderful blogging journey alongside your actual journeys through out the world. Take care.

  • Wonderful insight in this post....passion about writing is the necessary but not sufficient condition for sustaining momentum an interest in a blog. Thank you.

    • You are most welcome.Good to hear that this article helped you in one way or the other. Take care.

  • I agree that passion is required but i don't think that you need to stick to one area or topic. you may write anything you like. Most of the time i reblog the articles i like and sometimes try to write something of my own but still i am very much satisfied with my blogging experience.

    • Hi Brijesh,

      Nice to hear from you. I think it is more of that particular persons choice to write on a same topic or different. Also, I am really happy to note that you reblog a lot of my posts. That means you like it. Thank you very much.Take care. Be in touch.

  • Thanks for this great article. I myself write because it takes things off of me. It requires that I study something, analyze it, form an opinion and then write about it. Mostly my writing is on various topics. I can't just figure out one thing to write about. Probably that is why I haven't focused on one thing alone.

    • Thank you very much for your encouragement. I think many people are like you. They can't find a particular topic as they are interested in numerous others around the world they see and hear. Even I am planning to start another blog along with this one so that I can start writing all the different subjects I miss out in this blog. Take care Hassan . Hoping to hear more from you again and again.

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